Team Raspadura 39

silvia gallani

Hi all ( ciao a tutti)
WE are team Raspadura 39
we are preparing,
but we are at our 1st to Mongol Rally 2010
then we need everything, suggestions, sponsors,
All tips are fine ..
I remind you that this event is non profit,
but it serves to help children who were less fortunate than us ..

if you want to write to my mail
[email protected]

ciao Andrea

friends, companions of adventure, partners, crazy like us,
we have a small logistical problem ...
our beloved Fiat Panda 4x4 strength of Italian cars, was not accepted ..
why the baby is 10 years old, right in 2010 ...
Mongolian government does not want to accept ...
the solutions are 2 ..
or we go to Mongolia and after we return ... :-( (
or find another machine ... W
e are asking all over italy, but still nothing
if you happen to have more than half,
or know someone who can donate ...
we will be happy to act as Charon from Milan-Ulabataar
in exchange we will give everything ourselves ....
You do not think it hurt?? my team,
we are 4 guys,
a fake chef / chemist, ANDREA
a pizza chef / sommelier,MIRCO
a barman / chemistry graduate,THOMAS
and a mechanic to do everything MATTEO
We are also willing to come across Europe to take the car ..
friends help us ..
thanks team Raspadura 39

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silvia gallani

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Thomas Morelli

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<p><span class="long_text" id="result_box"><span onmouseout="'#fff'" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" style="background-color: #ffffff" title="L'idea di partecipare a questo competizione nasce da Mircho Barbieri e Andrea Gnocchi, due giovanotti di bell'aspetto che si sono adoperati in questi mesi per attrezzarsi al meglio e affrontare questa impresa nei migliori dei modi."><font size="4">The idea of participating in this competition comes from<font color="#ff0000"> </font></font></span></span></p><p><span class="long_text"><span onmouseout="'#fff'" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" style="background-color: #ffffff" title="L'idea di partecipare a questo competizione nasce da Mircho Barbieri e Andrea Gnocchi, due giovanotti di bell'aspetto che si sono adoperati in questi mesi per attrezzarsi al meglio e affrontare questa impresa nei migliori dei modi."><font size="4"><font color="#ff0000"><font size="5">Mirco Barbieri</font></font> and <font color="#ff0000" size="5">Andrea Gnocchi</font> </font></span></span></p><p><span class="long_text"><span onmouseout="'#fff'" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" style="background-color: #ffffff" title="L'idea di partecipare a questo competizione nasce da Mircho Barbieri e Andrea Gnocchi, due giovanotti di bell'aspetto che si sono adoperati in questi mesi per attrezzarsi al meglio e affrontare questa impresa nei migliori dei modi."><font size="4">two handsome young men who have struggled in recent months to better equip themselves to deal with this company and in the best possible way. <br /></font></span><span onmouseout="'#fff'" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" style="background-color: #ffffff" title="Gli altri componenti di questa avventura benefica saranno:"><font size="4">The other components of this adventure will be beneficial: <br /><br /></font></span><span onmouseout="'#fff'" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" style="background-color: #ffffff" title="&bull; Thomas Morelli"><font size="5"><font color="#ff0000">&bull; </font><font color="#ff0000">Thomas Morelli <br /></font></font></span><span onmouseout="'#fff'" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" style="background-color: #ffffff" title="&bull; Stefano Moroni"><font color="#ff0000" size="5">&bull; Stefano Moroni <br /></font></span><span onmouseout="'#fff'" onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" title="&bull; Alan Zeni"><font color="#ff0000" size="5">&bull; Alan Zeni <br /></font></span><font class="Apple-style-span" color="#FF0000"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-large"><br /></span></font></span></p>