Team Ready Steady TUK

Will McInnes
Of Ready Steady TUK
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Udapuir and the broken Tuk Tuk

Yesterday was marked as a nice relaxing days drive, how wrong we were! After an easy 250km to Udapuir, it all went wrong! Apparently our crank in the engine was completely broken and needed a mechanic overnight to fix it! En route to collect him now...![file](//

Will McInnes
Of Ready Steady TUK
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Mileage Please!

Today was another day geared towards covering ground! With little sight seeing we managed to cover a whopping 420km in our little tuk tuk! An impressive achievement to say the least...![file](// ![file](// Ok... Maybe a little sight seeing!!

Will McInnes
Of Ready Steady TUK
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Goa Round 2

After a couple of hours getting breakfast and sorting out our Tuk Tuks, we hit the road, slightly later than planned but nevertheless, we were aiming for North Goa and Vagator. After joining up with several other teams, we made our way quickly up the coast and found Alcove Beach Resort. The location was fantastic and we took in another sunset with live music and a couple of beers... A great end to the evening!

Will McInnes
Of Ready Steady TUK
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Goa Pit Stop Party...

As we only had a short distance to get to Goa, we decided to have a leisurely get up and go after our night at the Namaste Cafe, a small beach resort catering for travellers and back packers. We arrived in Palolem at around 2pm, giving us plenty of time to have a wander round and admittedly, have a beer or two on the beach... The party that night did not disappoint. It was nice to meet up with other teams we hadn't seen along the way and catch up...

Will McInnes
Of Ready Steady TUK
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Moving on Up!

After our Beach Resort stop over, we had plenty of time to make it to Goa in time for the Pit Stop Party! We decided to have an easy day driving, stopping off at an isolated beach for a couple of hours to get some photos and do some filming! Ainsley looks at home out here....![file](//

Will McInnes
Of Ready Steady TUK
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Catch Up!!!

After a lengthy stop yesterday (5 hours!!) we had to make up some ground in our quest for the Goa party! The rickshaws pulled through and we were able to cover 250km in good time.. We arrived at our stop for the nigh, Mahe, which was an experience to sell the least. Our hostel was located above a market which made sleeping that night fairly difficult. The beetles on the bed didn't help matters either...


