Team Sitar Heroes

Felicity Ford
Of Sitar Heroes
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (January)

Kerala, India

Day 11: 150km from the finish line and the Old Girl is kaput. Thank god for my powers of persuasion, we have a mechanic on the case at 7:30pm on a Friday. To clarify powers of persuasion in India: this pertains to me pulling the damsel in distress look! (works well from a foreign female.)Five minutes later I come marching back to the car gleaming with 8 men at my toe. $6 later we are back on the road!!!! Thank you India.




Universally acknowledged as the best looking member of the team, Phil enjoys travel beards and collecting spoons. His interests include vehicles with 0.5 horse power (that's approximately 4 'goat-power' for those of you playing at home) and not catching dysentery.