Beyond all experience and expectation
   So last year I saw the Adventurist video come out for the Icarus trophy and just wanted to do it. So booked on a course in Spain and had several courses in the UK. However I could never get any regular time up in the air so had to bail out of the pioneer edition. So fast forward to 2016. Despite numerous attempts here in the UK of getting more tranning days in, the weather said no. Went to Spain and the weather said no. So I decided bugger it, I'll do the X-Series and see what happens. Did a shake down flight on Friday morning and after numerous failed attempts on taking off I manage to get airborne by narrowly missing a hedge. However landing was also eventful coming down hard on rocky hard ground. Not the best start. Off to the Icarus X Series I went. Never having done such long flights. Never having used in flight navigation. What's the worst that could happen. Second shake down flight was much better. So take off for the start was going to be fun as had to take off with full fuel load for the first time. First long flight was amazing down to the coast over lime Regis and then on towards exmouth. First landing in a tiny field in the middle off a small village was challenging. Landed fine and with a massive 500ml of fuel left. Nice 2h flight survived and managed to work out all the navigation and speed bar use in flight. Happy days