Team Rick-Shawties




Allow me to introduce the Rick-Shawties: a Mechanic, a Navigator, and a Linguist with just enough braincells between the 3 of them to turn a rickety rickshaw into a veritable death machine. Together, we make a rogue band of sweaty, sun-soaked, spite-fueled females ready to be humbled.

Our unsupported journey begins in Kumudu Valley and finishes in Rekawa Beach. Everything in between is left to the fates and the stars. Luckily we've been reading up on astronavigation for this purpose. Yes, this is dangerous. Yes, we have been warned about the stampeding elephants. We have travel insurance and emergency contacts, and at least one of us has a water filtration system.

What more could we need?

Cool Earth

We are raising money for Cool Earth (a rad organization that focuses on protecting the rainforest and fighting climate change) by driving a dinky little Rickshaw around Sri Lanka. All of our funds go directly to Cool Earth, and as a wee reward, we'll record a thank you video in some sweet place in Sri Lanka (or when we're broken down on the side of the road - whatever seems more fitting ;)). By donating, you help protect super awesome parts of the world and fight against the climate crisis! Give whatever you can, if you can.
