Over 3000km in a 145cc two stroke rickshaw in two weeks and we've made it to the finish line. India you are crazy but awesome! Time to party! (Did I also mention we managed to pop some wheelies!)

Over 3000km in a 145cc two stroke rickshaw in two weeks and we've made it to the finish line. India you are crazy but awesome! Time to party! (Did I also mention we managed to pop some wheelies!)
Finally made it to our hotel in Bangalore and found a few other risks there. Next stop the finish line!
Our last time refuelling Raquel
Someone tried to sabotage our tuck on the last day! Luckily I noticed it turning the fuel on
You do 3 litres of kingfisher? We better order two then
An early start and a long day driving today but we made it to our last stop before Bangalore with time to spare. Almost at the finish line!
We picked up a hitchhiker. Was on trial to replace Curt and he almost passed
Never a dull chai stop
What could go wrong?