Team Rickshaw Royale

Lots of photos now available

If anyone wants to waste far too much time looking at pictures of idiots acting like, well, idiots, you can do so here:

[]( here[](!

Duncan Shaw
Of Rickshaw Royale
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Delhi, India

**Final update from India**

So our adventure is at an end. All that remains is the flight back home. It has been an amazing experience, if totally fucking insane at times, and completely random from start to finish. As a final example of this wonderful country, I was at the checkout in duty free and was told that they don't accept Indian Rupees unless you are an Indian passport holder. Only in India. Final updates will follow from the UK...

Thanks for watching.

**The idiots**

Duncan Shaw
Of Rickshaw Royale
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Jaisalmer, India

**The final push Pt 4 **

The drive in was smooth, and incredibly we hit town at sunset, which was a little bit special. We then hired a tuk tuk to follow and reached the centre of the fort and the finish line at 6.36pm (after arguing with some traffic police, drawing yet another crowd of intrigued locals, and squeezing through spaces nowhere near big enough for us).

Mission accomplished. We finished 4th and 5th, although that really wasn't the point. It was an epic adventure, and great fun. There are some notable gaps, which will be filled. I will also post some stats and end of trip updates. Scot will probably also chip in with his musings in the coming days... but that's your lot for now.

Thanks & keep an eye out for final thoughts & pics!

Duncan Shaw
Of Rickshaw Royale
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Jaisalmer, India

**The final push Pt 3 **

I should briefly touch on one other event relating to our mascot, Anal Warts (that's what happens when four men spend a little too much time together... although the naming did happen at Heathrow, before we even flew out!).

AW had been with us from the start, but at our final chai stop on the way in we decided to do a ceremonial handover to some kids. This would have gone well had they not tried to stiff us on the bill. So we paid then started off again. At this point Scot had a change of heart, leant out the back and threw it towards a small child. Unfortunately his granny's face was in the way. Oops.

With the old town almost in sight our grip on the throttle hot a little tighter and the speed was upped... **TBC**

Duncan Shaw
Of Rickshaw Royale
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Jaisalmer, India

**The final push Pt 2 **

Obviously we didn't escape without any tech issues. Our exhaust tried to fall off, but fortunately we still had some spare throttle cable with which to re-secure it.

Ok, I said there weren't that many random moments, but a couple of things deserve special mention. The first is a man in a loin cloth carrying a big placard in the middle of nowhere, followed a few minutes later by a similarly attired fella ridings a pedal rickshaw with colourful decorations. We assumed they were religious types. The second was a stretch of road with lots of abandoned sandals and sand castles. That one had us totally baffled... **TBC**

Duncan Shaw
Of Rickshaw Royale
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Jaisalmer, India

**The final push **

On the morning of the 22nd we decided to treat ourselves to a bit of lie in. Nav was still not well and the rest of us were pretty tired from 10 days on the road. So after brekkie, a look round the grounds and final pre-flight checks we were up and running again at 9am. What beckoned was about 9-10 hours of desert, 330km, with only a few small towns along the way. We therefore agreed to take it steady, as Rickshaw Royale was not in the best of health.

And believe it or not we did... until we were about 100km out of Jaisalmer. The drive was pretty uneventful, with only a few random moments of craziness... **TBC**

Duncan Shaw
Of Rickshaw Royale
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Jaisalmer, India

**Medical update **

If we don't get Nav out of India, or at least off the road soon, he may very well die!

Ok, slight exaggeration, but the boy's not well. Having arrived with Delhi belly, he has spent half the trip or more with unfortunate issues north or south. Of the rest of us, Scot was properly ill once and has had a couple of minor plumbing complaints south ofc the border. While Duncan and particularly Simon have been largely healthy.

We wish our walking wounded a speedy recovery.

Duncan Shaw
Of Rickshaw Royale
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Jaisalmer, India

**Jaipur, Sikar and Bikaner Pt 6 **

Just to try to give a flavour, we had a nice restaurant, a swimming pool (again not used by us used to time constraints, lovely grounds, a billiards room, spacious and well appointed rooms, and very friendly staff. There were perhaps a few too many pictures of people with the animals they had shot, and animal heads and hides, but I think that goes with the territory. We then settled in for a couple of beers, a G&T, a curry (of course), and a very drawn out game of snooker... team RR won by TKO. Sadly only three of us made it for the evening's fun, of which more later.

Now back on the road again, our final push to the finish line...

Duncan Shaw
Of Rickshaw Royale
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Jaisalmer, India

**Jaipur, Sikar and Bikaner Pt 5 **

As we drove through Rajasthan, the scenery changed from country to scrub to desert. The rain also finally eased and them stopped (although it still rained overnight!). We also started seeing more camels, which is pretty cool.

Fortunately our delays were not too much of an issue, as it was meant to be an early finish. It just meant that we arrived in Bikaner when it was dark, and weren't able to have any time to see the sights... But we then arrived at the hotel. Well, I say hotel. I really mean palace. Literally. Captain Reservation had done us proud and booked us onto Lallgargh Palace Hotel, part of the Raj's palace and totally stunning... **TBC**

Duncan Shaw
Of Rickshaw Royale
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Jaisalmer, India

**Jaipur, Sikar and Bikaner Pt 4 **

The roads were badly flooded, but we had to try to get through. We therefore went for it... and the engines cut out when the water blocked the exhaust and got the spark plugs wet. Double shit.

With no other option, we got out and waded/pushed them to higher ground. Nasty, but necessary. After much frustration and pumping of the starter handles, we got both of them running again, got directions and were off again, this time avoiding the worst of it and hoping for the best. It was very tight at times, but we just about managed to escape, with about a 4 hour delay. The rain continued intermittently as we drove, but there were no major road issues, and the road quality was better then before. **TBC**

Scot Henney

Load Scot

Duncan Shaw

Load Duncan

<p>Hello there! That is to say, um, hi.</p><p>Thanks for tuning in to Team &quot;Rickshaw Royale&quot; (twinned with team &quot;Don't Tell Reena&quot;). We shambolic few will be guiding you through the months... eek, I mean weeks leading up to the big departure for India and Nepal in September. On the way we might tell you about some of the hilarious scrapes we get into while trying to secure visas, some of the fundraising things we are doing, and other sundry fluff. Obviously by fluff, I of course mean really interesting and important news that you should definitely read, and which will encourage you to sponsor us in our bid to raise money for Frank Water Projects (<a href=""></a>) and Maiti Nepal (<a href=""></a>). We will also post pictures and videos at various stages to show how we get on and that sort of thing.</p><p>Our team has now been totally, finally, and absolutely confirmed, with a quartet of: Scott Henney and Duncan Shaw (Rickshaw Royale), and Simon Hughes and Nav Chohan (Don't Tell Reena). Sadly James Watts, Simon Lamb and Mr Nick &quot;; Gibbons have declined the offer of a place in one of our chariots due to a combination of vertigo, the impending arrival of twins, the scars from last year not having quite healed yet, and a rare outbreak of good sense. </p><p>If you are visiting this as an innocent, uncorrupted by stories of what this is all about, I recommend you speak to a representative, who will be happy to take your call. Or you could get the short answer by visiting the official Rickshaw Run website: <a href=""></a>.</p><p>In summary: 2 weeks, 3 wheels, crappy engine, no route, no marshalls, no mechanical skills, no hope = adventure! But on the plus side, we do have at least one fully qualified rugby playing medic, so he'll make sure we stay properly hydrated...</p><p>Is it tiffin time?</p>