Ride For RYLA haven't posted any updates yet.
The rose between two thorns, and the heart of this team :P
I'm 28 and from Brisbane. I did the Rickshaw Run last year and now I have an itch to do these adventure things. Bring on the Mototaxi Junket.
I've become a bit of an adventure junkie recently. Originally this was just something crazy to push me out of my comfort zone and to expand my self belief whilst creating havoc on three wheels. But now I'm also doing this for my Mum, who suffers from Dystonia and is the reason for our charity of choice. I originally had no desire to visit India, but seeing India on the back of a rickshaw? Well I just gotta cut me off a slice of that!
Three guys driving a Mototaxi across Peru to raise money for and awareness about Rotary Youth Leadership Award in Rotary District 9640.

Rotary International District 9640 - Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA)
RYLA is a premier youth leadership development program designed to promote proactivity, personal and professional development of Australian youth who have already been identified with exceptional leadership potential.