Team Riders of the Lost Tuk


Age: Twenty one

Team Role: Vice President of Communications and Transport

Favourite Meal: Slow Cooked Lamb Shanks in a Red Wine Sauce.

Top Speed Travelled By Car: 116mph in a Vauxhall Corsa.

Favourite Game: Prince of Persia - Sands of Time (this should be useful as I hear word that we start in a desert).

"Indy! Cover your heart! Cover your heart!"


Age: 22 Fine Years

Team Role: Chief Visionary Officer.

Eye Colour: Algae Green

Career Aspirations: Merchant Sailor of the Indian Ocean

First Memory: Booking the Rickshaw run.

Most shocking thing you've seen: “Nothing shocks me. I'm a scientist.”


Age: 22 and a half.

Team Role: Senior Navigation Analyst

Favourite Film: That one with Harrison Ford in it. He goes into temples and stuff. Can't remember what it's called...

Favourite Animal: Cow (of course!)

Best at: Charming frothing snakes into a hypnotised state with my crazy dance moves and wild arm movements.

'Don't call me Junior!'