Team Rogan Josh and the Hot Chickpeas


Always ready for an adventure especially if it involves an out of control vehicle, 2 insane partners and 2 weeks of curries cows and copious amounts of drinking! Currently living in south east Asia she brings the expert knowledge on squatter toilets, death trap roads and unidentifiable culinary dishes.


As the spicier member of the hot chickpeas, i enjoy all activities that combine three wheeled vehicles, happy pants and massala. Travelling with my insane brother (Rogan Josh) and my nomad mate Phoebs (the hotter chickpea). Rogan Josh and the Hot Chickpeas are ready to take this rickshaw by the balls and battle our way to the finish line!


Alex is a confused individual with a penchant for making impulse decisions and a passion for dressing up in women's clothes. He enjoys clean living, reliable transport and nations with small populations. His role on the team will be Chief Mechanic and Part-Time Navigator, but he will most likely be held accountable for anything that goes wrong along the way. Alex adds the Rogan Josh to the Hot Chickpeas!