Tucked in and ready for either a nap or a party at the Nurlanbulag UB MONGOLIA!
Tucked in and ready for either a nap or a party at the Nurlanbulag UB MONGOLIA!
On The Move!
Dulles International Airport! Next stop Seoul, Korea!
Golden Shoe Awards!
Last chance to get a Golden Shoe!

[gallery] Drag and drop images you wish to upload within these gallery tags. [/gallery] All donations of $200+ made by Friday July 25th will receive a coveted Golden Shoe Award! Direct to PayPal: [email protected] On My Website: *bling and/or glitter will be added at the discretion of the artist (me) **If you send a picture of you and your shoe, it will be posted on my webpage and facebook page!
On The Map!
This should put me on the map! Follow the Rose Dot!
Check out my website! [](
And my totally random, not necessarily horse related blog! [](
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those timid spirits in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat. - Teddy Roosevelt
Our primary goal is to rescue abused, neglected, starving and unwanted horses whether those horses come in from owner surrenders, animal control cases or auctions. These horses will receive the food, training and veterinary care needed to facilitate their recovery. Once the horses have regained their health they are made evaluated and made available for adoption to approved homes. Central Virginia Horse Rescue is a 501(c)3 which serves Central, South Central and Southside Virginia.
Headquarters. Eternal provider of fine horses and rum & cokes.
Eventing Coach. Home away from home complete with 'away cat'.
Quality English Tack & Apparel. Thanks for the ActionRider Socks!
Patent Pending Grip Seat - sticky like other full seat breeches BUT won't trap in moisture, feel soggy, or forget to stretch when you need to! 10% of Net Proceeds Supporting Horses in Need Made with Love in the USA.
Farm Credit of the Virginias, ACA is part of a nationwide network of cooperative lending institutions that provides financing for: • Farm and country home loans • Land purchase, home construction, and improvements • Buildings, machinery, livestock and equipment • Operating expenses and lines of credit • And much more Farm Credit was created in 1916 and is now the largest single provider of agricultural credit in the United States. Farm Credit of the Virginias provides more than $1.5 billion in financing to rural homeowners, farmers and landowners in 96 counties in Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. While we have access to a vast system of financing, the real benefit of doing business with Farm Credit is dealing with a local office with hometown people who know their business, their communities and their customers.