Team Seemed Like A Good Idea

Brian Gardes
Of Seemed Like A Good Idea
On the Mongol Rally 2017

The Journey of 10,000 Miles Starts With a Lot of Mouse Clicks

How can something seem simultaneously so far away yet closing the distance at an alarming speed? That is the Mongol Rally.

While the rally doesn't kick off for another nine months, it seems like there is too much to do, not enough time, but so far off that it feels like forever until it happens. Much like child birth (another nine month process) I doubt I will be truly ready for this once the big day arrives.

So what have I done to pathetically prepare for the big day?

1. Got a team! I have chosen Derek Shields to be my companion for this trek. He is an accomplished camera guy who is looking to make a documentary out of our adventure. Guess there will be no hiding all the screw ups we make along the way. It will all be there on film!

2. I spoke to w very nice person at the British DMV who explained the ins and outs of getting vehicle in my name. The good news is that it is simple and inexpensive. The bad news is that it takes 4-6 weeks to get the necessary documents changed over and in my hands. There goes my plan of breezing in the week before and picking up a car off Craigslist.

3. I plotted a rough route. I had a lot of fun playing with google maps making a route that will take us through some of the most amazing places in Europe and central Asia. I also managed to finally watch "The Ling Way Round" and realize that we are going to go smack dab through the middle of the part where Ewan and Charlie (on their fully kitted out BMW motorcycles and two support vehicles) quit and head north into Russia. Oh yeah, and their support Land Rover gets into a rollover accident. Remind me to check up on my life insurance policy.

4. I have also done a lot of research and decide that the vehicle I'm going after will be a Bedford Rascal. What can I say? I like quirky little vans.

5. Most important, I have selected a charity for which to raise funds. We will be driving to support the [Michael J. Fox Foundation]( This organization funds Parkinson's research around the world. If you would like to make a donation to support the cause, please do so [here](

So what's left to do? This is where it gets a bit overwhelming.

1. Get a vehicle. 2. Get visas. 3. Figure out how to pay for all of this. 4. Build some social media. 5. Raise some money for The MJF. 6. Make a solid enough schedule that I can start telling people when and where I will be so I can make arrangements for vehicle shipping, plane tickets, and general safety while still maintaining the flexibility necessary for doing a trip of this magnitude. 7. Seriously. Figure out how to pay for all of this.


Taking a stab at glory.

The Michael J. Fox Foundation

Since 2000, The Michael J. Fox Foundation has funded more than $450 million to speed a cure for Parkinson's disease. The Michael J. Fox Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson's disease through an aggressively funded research agenda and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson's today.
