Partying with police
What a party! After it was over the boys got a police escort through town, with 19 people in one ambulance! They headed to the shooting range, where the boys let off some steam with an ak47, sniper, revolver and machine gun- really the stuff of a 007 film! We kiss goodbye to the trusty and beloved peugeot today as it is auctioned for charity!
Signature- siberia/mongolian border Having spent 10 hrs at the mongol border we were invited to supper at a locals house- after tea we were served goats tongue- absolutely awesome- we are now drinking mongolian vodka and bottles of beer- what a country- words cannot describe it
From Russia with love
After passing the 6000 mile mark, the boys reached Almaty- the cars looking considerably dustier. En route, Worrall found a camel skull, which has been added to the Signature animal collection (along with gerry giraffe). Spare wheels have come in handy- the boys managed to change the tyres after a hugely demanding and physically exerting sunbathing/swimming sesh and soldiered on in the convoy of 6. Just hit 7000 miles on the meter, and have crossed back into Russia for the cross into Mongolia. As a celebratory sign, and on one hell of a whim, the boys decided to dye (semi-permanently) their hair into the russian flag colour ensemble. Spent last night camping in the forest on the Russian border and are now heading to Barnau for tonight. No bribes or any such foolery used at the border which was a result! And all in very high spirits!
Squeaky clean
Finally found civilsation! The boys are spending their first night to date in a hotel, where there are...showers! Having spent several days in a small car in 44 plus degrees heat, with no aircon, nor handheld fan (thank you kazazh border staff), the prospect of showering has never seemed so attractive. There is also a bar showing the premiership football highlights...Been through Cosmodrone where Russia launches satellites. Roads are terrible- pot holes the size of cars and lots of sand means LOTS of pushing- biceps rippling now! Still in a strong convoy and looking forward to Mongolia. Car starting to suffer- funny sounds, which the boys initially thought were the racey russians, have proved to be something else entirely.....
The boys spent the night in atyrau having hit the 4000 mile mark at the kazakh border. Kazakh passport control a little more corrupt than heathrow- ended up having to sell one of the russian gals to get through. Also sadly parted with the beloved pocket fan- apparently there is no air-con system in the passport hut. Went to the 'Guns and Roses' pub and had an english breakfast- talk about immersing yourself into the foreign culture...Now in Dossor. Went through some epic desert, with lots of camels wandering the roads. Also came across a Mongol Rally team ambulance deserted in the middle of nowhere, everything still inside but no team to be seen....apparently it had broken down and they are hitching a lift....will team phoenix rise again?
Racey Russians
After a door to door of 30 hours on the ferry the boys set about in a convoy of 4 cars and 1 ambulance across Russia. En route they met two Russian 'bombshells', who have now temporarily joined team signature, as they hitch a lift to Kazakhstan in style. The boys say its a great way of practising their russian skills....currently on way to Maichon, and half the convoy has just been pulled over (not on account of the two russian ladies smuggled in the boot- surprisingly) by the police. It's boiling hot- drove through forest fires last night- things really hotted up!
Bronzing in Bucharest
The boys passed hungary in one day, crossing through the national park and the chain bridge which was 'awesome'. Met up with some fellow ralliers who led them to the best campsite in romania, where they waited for the 2 richards to catch up! Then headed on to bucharest and had an amazing road journey down through the mountains following the river. Now pushing onto the coast, to camp at Constanta tonight. It's absolutely boiling- 30 degrees plus by 10am so expect some beastly tans!
Calling all ralliers
Hi -we are currently at a service station on the A4 about halfway between Viena & the Hungarian border and looking for fellow ralliers to join in convoy en route through Hungary. Please text Team Signature on 07747865368.
Also any good ideas for overnighting in this area?
A 'harey' night
The boys are in Clervaux, Luxemburg after having spent the night in Brussels. Had a minor run in with a hare last night, which should have provided supper as Ludo assured us all that roadkill would be the main form of sustenance! The hare must have been pretty hefty too as it broke the grill- now fully repaired though! Now en route to nurburgring with the 2 richards in convoy. Morale is high, and luxemburg got the thumbs up! Need to get to Frankfurt by tonight so dosing up on caffeine and rousing songs....
