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CLOVES Syndrome
CLOVES Syndrome stands for Congenital, Lipomatous, Overgrowth, Vascular Malformations, Epidermal Nevi and Spinal/Skeletal Anomalies and/or Scoliosis and was identified simultaneously and independently by Saap et al. and Alomari. CLOVES is caused by a somatic genetic mutation in a gene called PIK3CA that increases the activity of the gene. CLOVES belongs to a category of diseases known as PIK3CA-overgrowth spectrum or PROS. Our best estimate is that CLOVES Syndrome has been diagnosed in about five hundred people so far. Skid Marks team member Quade Nielsen's young cousin is affected by CLOVES. Quade and his beautiful family of Nielsen's annually raise funds and awareness for CLOVES and we are stoked to join in and help.