Team Sofa King Bananas

In Cuzco and Ready to GO! (we think)

After a few days of altitude sickness for Leslie and myself (Paula), we are all geared up to go as of leaving the testing grounds yesterday afternoon. All our mechanical worries were address and all that lays ahead is a police escort through Cuzco and the big hill/small mountain outside of town. So we´ll find out soon if our as yet unnamed mototaxi is up to snuff...

Leslie Shaw

Hi!\r\nI\'m Leslie and just completed the Rickshaw run in India.. survived and am back for more pain! Bring it on mototaxi!

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Paula Bryant

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<p><font color="#003300" size="5"><strong>Welcome to the home page of the Sofa Kings!!</strong></font></p><p><strong><font color="#003300" size="5">Some how you have managed to make your way to this page, and we thank you for your interest.</font></strong></p><p><strong><font color="#003300" size="5">&nbsp; Patrick, Paula, and Leslie will be participating the mototaxi junket in Peru this January.&nbsp; We will be taking an exciting two week trip across the country in a three wheeled vehicle.&nbsp; It will be long hours, uncomfortable conditions, exotic environments, and unexpected things around every corner!&nbsp; We will be completely on our own and we hope to arrive at our final destination on time, for the big finishline party!</font></strong></p><p><font color="#003300" size="5"><strong>&nbsp; Before we leave for this adventure, we must do some fundraising for a local charity in Peru.&nbsp; Our goal is to raise $1500 for the organization called Practical&nbsp;Action.&nbsp; Please check out our&nbsp;&quot;Just giving&quot; donation website </strong></font><font color="#003300" size="5"><span class="messageBody"><a href="" rel="nofollow nofollow" target="_blank"><font color="#3b5998"><span></span><span class="word_break"></span></font>sofakings</a></span></font><font color="#003300" size="5"><strong>&nbsp;, but clicking on the icon on the right.&nbsp; </strong></font></p><p><strong><font color="#003300" size="5">*** Remember donations are in&nbsp;British Pounds not Dollars so be aware of the exchange rate!!&nbsp;I don't want any&nbsp;surprises on your credit card bills!!***</font></strong>&nbsp;</p>