Team Squintstepps

Medan, Indonesia

Day 13 Squintsteps and Wallacemonumental made it to the finish line only one team here the danglers then the spanish team arrived so 4 in total here so far. Good luck to all you fellow adventures still out there keep the chin up and keep on trucking until the little beasts give up. Keep them well oiled, keep them cool and full of sparks, give them plent of rests and you may have a chance of getting to the end

Jambi, Indonesia

Day 10 another crap day. Started of ok then 5hrs on the road Squintstepps spark plug cap melted fixed that. 1hr later Wallacemonumental front wheel came loose almost fell off fixed that. 1hr later their engine almost went on fire. Turned out the water thermostat housing on the engine had been broken before and a patch up job done on it the patch up job failed lost all the water repaired that. The high temp has caused other problems but to late at night to try and fix left the tub tuc found hotel. Will try to fix tomorrow. But would say it is all over for Squintstepps and Wallacemonumental due to the poor conditions of the tuc tuc stupplied by the Adventurers feel a court case coming on

South Sumatra, Indonesia

Day 9 had a better day no break downs covered 320km best out of the 9 days on the road still a day and a half behind schedule think we will be in Medan for the party will not be there until the 21st if no more breakdowns. Met a real nice local guy in Lahat he took us to a hotel that just opened today first class and we got the room at a discount rate hotel is the Grand Zuri Manager Suhaya Sahni great guy@

Tangerang, Indonesia

Day 8 not any better Wallacemoumental broke down twice first time rear wheel lost 4 studs almost came off just got it in time that has happen to both rickshaws now. Second time oil pipe on the engine bust lost all the oil just noticed it in time had to take the engine mounting off to remove the pipe because the head of the bolt on the pipe was so badly damaged. Had to get a guy to weld the broken pipe. More time lost further behind schedule everyday something else breaks@

Merak, Indonesia

Day 7 another bad day both Squintstepps and Wallacemonumentals clutch cables broke that is twice now in 7 days. Lost half a day doing repairs again only had 1 day out of 7 with no breakdowns an adventure what a joke all you do is spend most of your day repairing your rickshaw that was not fit for the road from day one

Semarang, Indonesia

Day 4 another nightmare rickshaw complete load of crap. Started at 05.30 within 5min folward and revers gear leaver broke managed to repair it on the road for 07.00. After 3km clutch cable broke took until 13.00 for us to fix it. Then stuck in road works for 2hr done 10km. Only managed 100km today now 180km behind not looking good to complete this in 14 days may take the ferry from Semarang to Jakarta to make up lost time

Central Java, Indonesia

Lasem day 3 still not made up lost time about 30km short. Met up with the Twa Amegos in the hotel in Lasem not j great place no showers no hot water. Been on the road from 7am till 8pm traffic terrible road not a lot to say. Back wheel almost fell off lost 3 studs other almost off lucky, engine burning a litre oil a day not good@

John Henderson

Load John

George Rigby

Hi I am George Rigby 59 years old still think I am 21 yrs

read more... Load George

Paula Burns

Load Paula

Team Squintstepps one young lady adventurer and 2 old well travelled dogs