Team Super Sonic Moto-Monkies

Chota, Peru

Eventful day, clued to 2800 meters, walked around in a cloud, made weather by peeing in sed cloud, test drove a brand new road being made by dynamite in the mountains and the best part was when we stopped for the night had mammoth sized burgers and the best hot shower of the trip! 1 hour into today's drive and we've already been on Peruvian TV and crashed through a barbed wire fence into a field. And what?

Fred Ellis

If I had any friends who would admit to me that they internet date I may have got some advice on how to write something like this. I'm sure I do somewhere but maybe we're not as close as I thought. So apologies but hey ho, here we go.

Hello! I take it that if you're reading this then you're probably either trying to get the low-down on your fellow competitors/muppets or are just plain nosy.

I'm Fred and the basic bio is that I'm 24, live in London and enjoy cosy nights in by the fire.

Now I'm doing this trip as part of a long imagined plan that me and my team mate, Max Williams, have had since we were 17 and came across the Mongol Rally. When we first discovered this idea it was quickly added to our Bucket list and then just as quickly forgotten. When going over this list (of one) brain box Max did some research and saw the addition of these smaller races which seemed much more feasible, oh naivety. The dream was back on as we thought the Mototaxi Junket would be the perfect 'warm up'.

Now I add very little to the survival chances of this team, which compared to Max's nothing probably makes me our only chance of reaching the finish line. This is probably just my absolute stubborn refusal to miss a party that will drag me, my team mate and our mighty steed through the mud and across the mountains.

We have many wild, crazy and mostly fictional plans for our trip all we can hope for is that it they don't happen we create even better memories and, with a bit of luck, be a slight positive addition to some other peoples too.

See you in September, I'll be the 6'2" giggling streak of excitement!

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Max Williams

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