Team Taj MaHalligan

Elaine Halligan
Of Taj MaHalligan
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Broken bridge

So we follow the road on our map expecting to cross over the river via bridge and cruise on over to Bankura for the evening. Easy on paper. But nothing's ever that simple. This is what we see when we arrive at the 'bridge':![file](//

It appears the bridge has crumbled into the water in recent months!

Not ideal, but I guess not everything can go to plan. Moral: don't assume all roads and bridges on maps exist!

Elaine Halligan
Of Taj MaHalligan
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016


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We've arrived in India and have spent the day exploring Delhi; the old, the new, the East and the South! I for one have fallen in love with the constant sounds, the bustling streets and the friendly faces and Team Taj MaHalligan can't wait to start the real journey as we head on our way to the northern hills of Shillong tomorrow morning.

We're all ready to grab a good nights sleep after a quick whiskey for medicinal purposes; trying to avoid any Delhi Belly!

Stay tuned for more updates!

Lots of love, Team Taj MaHalligan Xx





We are mum, dad, son and daughter all with a collective hunger for travel, desire for adventure and a serious problem with our sanity. Half Kiwi, slightly English and a wee bit Scottish- we are Team Taj MaHalligan