We did it!!!
We made it to Shillong!! Around noon yesterday we made it to the finish line!!! From start to finish, we covered 3990km!!! We had such an amazing time and drive. Can't wait to share the videos and pictures with all of you.
We did it!!!
We made it to Shillong!! Around noon yesterday we made it to the finish line!!! From start to finish, we covered 3990km!!! We had such an amazing time and drive. Can't wait to share the videos and pictures with all of you.
cockroaches.. all part of the adventure!
Havent't had internet or service on my phone since Darjeeling...
Driveing down from darjeeing was awesome, but the weather was still a little fogy! Welders camera almost got stolen from three little kids, but they recognized it and we drove back to find them.... We took the highway 31/C east, and it was a nice drive where we saw an elefant and had local food on the side of the road ( jogi and me). The problem was to find a hotel and there was a huge thunderstorm ahead of us as it got dark... So we decided to camp next to the highway, but by the time we were done building up our tents the police came and asked us to leave, cause the place is to dangerous! ( people wise..) But they offered to let us camp next to the police station... But we were like screw it, we drove the 50k in to the next town we found on the map.....
After driving 20k on a road under construction already, which ended up being 50k highway construction at night with the possibillity of driving in to a thunderstorm.... Nightmare and jogi broke his glasses so i had to drive it all... but so far so good... We found a hotel in town at 9.30 with 3 ricksaws parked allready, so we went yuuuhooo!!! Remeber the things from all the hotels were we stayed so far? Last night was by far the most aweful and gross place i have been in my life... But the only hotel around... 4 cockroaches, the whole floor was coverd with ants and so many mosquiitos that you could hardley breathe without sucking one in. I decided to spend the night in the ricksaw, but the storm was here by then... So I tried to sleep in my rain suit, but my face got screwed up from the bugs!! Â I was awake all night ... After we left Bongiagaon around 6 this morning jogi had to drive cause i was sleeping in the back after beeing awake for more than 24h!! Jogi didn't get any bites..???!! O well we just checked in in a nice pleace in Guwahati we go on a food mission now and chill out for the rest of the day! And tomorrow last day and 100k ahead to Shilong!!
"I thought a potato bug is hell but you have no idea"
"If you step in to your flip flop and you feel the whole thing is moving..."
Darjeeling Express...
We headed up to Darjeeling today.
 The morning started out with heavy rain so we postponed our start for at hour. We then headed uphill to Darjeeling which is located just over 2000m. Team welders had their first breakdown on the way up with their gas cable disconnecting. The road up was awesome, really beautiful. But the town itself... a disappointment. It was dirty and full of tourist stuff. It was pouring rain all day so no view of Everest and the Himalayas :-(. But we visited a tea plantation which was interesting and nice!! We are finishing the night with a few beers and getting ready for an early start in the morning as we make our way across to Shillong. Only a couple more days left..Â
rattling along
Today we made it to Siliguri! And tomorrow off to Darjeeling for a bit of rest.
Our old lady aka the beast, is definitly letting us know that we are getting closer to Shillong. She is becoming very crippled but still driving like a champion. The accelerator died on us today, but it was a quick fix, we also got a flat tire, and the gas tank is being held on with bunjee cords and rope. Team welders haven't had any problems with their shaw yet..(knock on wood). Used the natural toilet on the side of the road today.. just right there next to the shaw and a tea field. :-| We havent't seen any other teams lately and the nonstop driving is getting old.. You really need to be awake and alert to maneouver through this traffic and not get runover by a truck. Driving over the Ganges was really cool!
There are some new pictures posted too..
its slowing down
We aren't coverng nearly as many kilometers as in previous days. Had to do another welding repair today on the roof rack and main frame as it has completly fallen apart.. ducktape and string werent cutting it anymore. We are in Raiganj and are hoping to make it to Islampur by the end of the day!
Breakdown no.1
Got a text update from the boys today, they are someone near Kaliachak (about 300km north of Kolkata). Had their first breakdown today, they had to weld the roof of the rickshaw back together and something about a back wheel (couldnt decipher the txt). But otherwise they said everything is great! Roads are absolutely terrible now though, and they saw a really bad car accident :-/.
Otherwise, seems like all is well!
<p>Best day so...
Best day so far..
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We are alive!!
Hi alle! (Alicia writing)
 Ich habe heute ein e-mail von Pascal bekommen mit ein Update!!! Die folgende sätze würde in halb english/deutsch/tannheimerisch geschrieben ;-)
 Pasi said.. "It is a hell of a trip so far!! We lost team welders in the big city yesterday and found the girls from Offtrax while trying to find them. Die mädels sind badass mit navigation und hotel finden. Wir haben in hotels übernachten wo die Kakalakas (cockroaches) wollen nicht rein. Kein Dusche, a loch als WC, und really Stinky (smelly). Aber wir leben noch. Wir haben so weit 1200km hinter uns mit einen hochgeschwindigkeit von 50km/h. Wir sind in Ongole, nordlich von Chennai und fahren die nächste paar Tage auf der NH4. Unserer Rickshow hot schon 47900km drauf, und team Welders nur 20,000. :-/ Aber so weit haben wir kein grosse probleme :-) Alle einheimischer sind recht nett!! Hoffentlich gibts internet bei die nächste stop."
Well!! Sounds like they are having a great time!!! Â I'm going to post some pictures too!!