Team Team Disarray

Ceilidh Jackson - Baker
Of Team Disarray
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

And so...

Can't quite believe we made it all the way here! This a great city but such a huge contrast to the rest of the country that it is rather a shock. Unfortunately it is nearly time for us to leave. We have handed the car over which was sad - it will cleaned up and auctioned off, the money will then go to charity. I wasn't sure the Mongolian people would want it after that epic journey but we already had enquiries in the rush hour traffic queue on the way to the finish line!

I think everyone needs a Nissan Micra! 

Ceilidh Jackson - Baker
Of Team Disarray
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Crazy Capital

So we ragged it up to Astana, the newish capital of Kazakhstan. This country is so amazing - the cities are modern and driving round them is hectic but then it is so vast (world's ninth biggest country apparantly) that there are sections of desert - with 2 humped camels aswell as sections that are green and also alot of nothing! The contrasts are really big. There is a super motorway into the capital but then some of the roads are insane - full of potholes or just dirt tracks, those are the most fun!

What else...convoyed with some other ralliers for a bit which was cool but then everyone went their own way and Isaac and Kenneth's car broke down so we had to go on alone. It is fixed now and they did some bigger drives to catch up with us in Astana.

Kazakhstan - what a country! Oh and other then a few strange noises our car is fine - it got us here so I hope it can get us through Russia and onward to Mongolia.


This internet is slow so I think it will put our route position wrong but anyway, we are in Astana. 

Oliver Liney

Load Oliver
