Ulan-Ude, Russia
The end of the greatest adventure ever.
Ulan-Ude, Russia
The end of the greatest adventure ever.
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Bayankhongol, Mongolia
Altai, Mongolia
Khovd, Mongolia
Elgii, Mongolia
Just made it through the border and we're finally here! A good few days of driving before we hit the finish line!
Kosh-Agach, Siberia, Russia
Lunch stop after some amazing Siberian mountain roads!
Biysk, Siberia, Russia
Where you can buy brand new Land Cruisers oorrr Melons..
Barnaul, Russia
Picked up a n extravagant meal before setting course for the Altais!
Kulunda, Russia
Finally in Russia. Trading cigarettes and numbers with the locals at the border.
Parks Ranger. Deeply into running, cycling, coffee, photography and shit-box cars.