Off to Hampi then Goa!
Whilst ferrying across to Janhikuda, we had some locals join us in our rickshaw for a bit of R&R. After a questionable sleep in a motel, we have now set off on the long drive to Hampi. Wish us luck!
Yesterday, after many gruelling hours of driving, we finally made it to the east coast. Shortly after this photo was taken we got stuck in the sand. But who needs a gym when you can get a workout pushing a rickshaw off the beach for 15 minutes? Next stop Puri 🛺.
We learned a lot during our 16 hour journey - the main lesson being never to do it again!
Managed to hit the road earlier this morning but then hit a road block. After some advice from a local, we managed to get back on the straight and narrow. Next stop, Kolkata!
A planned 6am start quickly turned into 11am, after an arduous morning session with Delhi Belly! But back on the road now and ready to get some more Kms done.