Elephants in India
Rickshaw run spring 2011. Cochin to Shillong. Came across some retired logging elephants.
Elephants in India
Rickshaw run spring 2011. Cochin to Shillong. Came across some retired logging elephants.
Day 4. On the road again.
After our disasters yesterday we hoped today would be plain sailing and we could make up for lost time. We had to leave the Rickshaw on the street last night, so hoped it would still be there in the morning. It was, but during the night someone took (took) one of the flags and the tank of petrol. Fortunately  we had taken our spare can in to the room with us, and we were on the road for 6.30am, heading for Hospet. Places look so much easier to  find on our 1:2,900,000 scale map than they actually are, but we only lost an hour driving round in circles today, so things are on the up. The roads were better than yesterday, and culminated in us reaching the N7 which is the main motorway which goes all the way up to Varanassi. This is the best road we have been on, and unbelievably quiet, which makes it much easier to react when buses and trucks come down the fast lane towards us. We did over 400km today, and plan to start at 5.30 tomorrow and get plenty distance under our belts. Our hotel for the night is the Hotel Radahajai in Kurnool which is much more expensive than last nights one, this is costing us £5 each. It has air con, but the toilet is a hole in the floor and the shower is a bucket and jug. Mozzie nets and liners again tonight!  Today we have been through massive industrial areas, so there are few hotels and we have to take whatever we can find. We have settled in to a steady diet of bananas for breakfast and lunch, and curries for tea. Tonight’s was the best yet, vegetable curry with chapattis cooked in banana leaves. With a bottle of coke this came to 90p each. Davie is loving the prices out here.It has been 2 days since we have seen any other teams, but we hear some of them are having mechanical problems, fortunately we have escaped this, but Gary Hay, keep your mobile phone on in case! We will get photos and video links on when we can, but it is dependent on connection levels out here.
Off the beaten track.
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Off the beaten track.
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Day 3:cows, monkeys elephants and idiots.
After much debate we decided not to go up the highway to Goa but cut across inland on lesser roads to save us a lot of time. Oh how wrong we were! The roads started off alright until we came to a formidable 1200m mountain pass with switchback after switchback that went on
First 2 days
Blog Day 1. Sunday 17thApril
Sunday 17th, launch day. Left Fort Cochin parade ground at 11am and headed for the ferry. Couldn
ready, steady.....
High 30s in Fort Cochin. Seafood and curries are superb, and no adverse affects yet (!!). Met loads of other teams, all a good laugh. Lucky dip to pick your rickshaw, the new ones are black, old ones are white. We got a white one.
Gee and Davy's Adventure
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Gee and Davy's Adventure
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<p><strong>Hi everyone,</strong></p><p><strong>We are team </strong> <a href="team-mcfarlane-and-nicols-opticians-scotland" target="blank"><strong>Team McFarlane & Nicols Opticians </strong></a><strong>,our names are Davie and Graeme, now for everyone out there doing the Run with us next Spring, please dont ask us to fix your eyes, measure up for bi-focals or get the odd bit of sand and dirt removed from your peepers, its not that we cant be bothered doing it, it's because we are not even opticians!</strong></p><p><strong> Mcfarlane and Nicols Opticians, Alva, have kindly sponsored us money towards our goal, for their generosity we asked them if they would like to have their company name as our Team Name.</strong></p><p><strong>So about us (Davie and Graeme) we both work for the Fire Service in Central Scotland and based on Red Watch at Alloa Station. Davie is the older one out of the two of us, you can spot him by the wee bald patch on the back of his head, dont get confused though because I have accumulated a fair batch of silver/grey strands on my noggin making me look older than I actually am. </strong></p><p><strong>Davie is renowned for his ability to tell bad jokes ( although some of them actually quite good but dont tell him!). Graeme is renowned for his ability to buy stuff, use it once, then probably never use it again ( it might come in handy some day!) </strong></p>