The Car of Our Dreams
We did it! We just bought a car! It´s a wonderful VW Polo 86C steep rear version in luxury white (with only a few red-brownish spots). The car has an engine of 1043 ccm and has been around for a 25 years! If everyone of us would have been as old as our Polo, we wouldn´t pay shitloads for the car injurance.
We will change the necessary liquids and maybe the straps and then off we go!

The Route
Guys, we determined our route. After a short reading of the death propability of the concerning regions (for our mums, dads, Lukas´ grandma and Mona) we concluded to cross the following countries on our way to Sibiria:
England, France, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaidschan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Usbekistan, Kyrgystan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia!

The Beginning
It all began at this history writing evening in a bar ("Quelle"). Lukas, Marlin and a few friends were hanging aroud, having a few beers, playing pool as one person said: "This summer I will go to mongolia, buy two horses and ride through the mongolian nowhere!" Everybody was stunned in fascination about this crazy plan and Lukas threw in: "Isn´t there a rally with the goal to handle an old car from europe to mongolia to sell it over there?" Nobody had more information about this rally so the chat went on.
But Marlin couldn´t let go this idea so he searched for this rally thing and found the Mongol Rally at the same evening! After watching a few videos and reading the rules the undertaking was sealed. He wrote Lukas and in the next morning he got the respond: "I´m in! We need our third person." So we directly asked Julius and it didn´t take any convincing to win him for this adventure.
The next week after giving a call to mum and dad we assigned and here we are: Team Polo Position on their way through mongolia!