Team Team Tihsho (JY)

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Julie Youngblood

Well, I can't believe a Youngblood made it into the derby! Going to go be a child of winter and ski my derrier off, then start getting ready to ride! OH BOY!

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Julie Youngblood, 32 year old firefighter based in Sun Valley, Idaho
Daughter of a rancher and Polo player, horses have been a part of the program since diaper days. Rode competitively in Hunter/Jumpers through college on school and international student teams. Moved to Idaho after graduating and after a long stretch of career commitment phobia, finally went full time on my local Fire Department as an Engineer/EMT in 2016. My hobbies include but are not limited to travelling, mountain biking (or really crashing...), skijoring, skiing powder at whatever the cost, flying small planes into the wilderwierd, eating an obscene about of cookies, and singing Disney tunes.