Team Team Two gingers & a rat


At daytime - Municipal official
By night - Team administrator and social media manager at Team two Gingers and a Rat



Three dudes with classic signs of male midlife crisis from Sweden and one old car from Italy...

Save The Elephants

STE are doing research and monitoring elephant behaviour and ecology. After 18 years of intensive monitoring the elephants of Samburu are one of the world’s best-studied populations. They assist in implementing a UN-program to monitor the illegal killing of elephants. They work with wildlife departments, protected area managers and communities to assist their efforts to defend elephants against ivory poachers and traffickers. Through the Elephant Crisis Fund they support partners in more than 50 different projects aimed at stopping the killing, stopping the trafficking and ending the demand for ivory. Africa’s human population is set to double by 2050, creating enormous pressures for elephants. STE provides information on elephant movements for landscape planners to protect rangeland and creates innovative solutions to prevent elephants from raiding crops, such as our Elephants & Bees project. Elephants are intelligent creatures with complex levels of consciousness with a profound role in human cultures as well as African ecosystems. STE share their awareness of their importance both locally and internationally. They involve local people in research and education to develop a conservation ethic based on local knowledge and elephant needs, and recognize that the best ambassadors for elephants are the people with whom they share their land.
