SMS Update
Due to disagreements with Mongol Rally, and some misinformation from their side, team batlimo had to turn around 200 km from the northern mongol border friday evenening... Paperwork hadnt been fixed, so we were forced to quit the race as ditching the car would cost us 3500 euros in penalty! We are now 100 km from kiev, expecting to reach denmark tomorrow! Best of luck to all other teams and mongol rally admins! It has been an awesome experience! Special greetings to the cube, flatlanders, khan kangaroos, danish delight, over the edge and tartar tigers! Hope you made it!
SMS Update
arrived in astana, stopped by police again... According to kasakstani cops, we have insurance for submarine! Fun fun! Looking for russian embassy
SMS Update
convoying with Rubikcrew and team Flatlanders. Cooking dinner at the side of the road. So many problems. Flat tire. Dead a/c. Smashed window . Driving like crazy to reach mongolia in time. :-)
SMS Update
on our way to Beuineu, in mega convoy with flatlanders, rubikscrew, martini guys, over the edge and british guys name ive forgotten! Had a big campfire last night, kasakstan is beautifull! Davaj davaj davaj!
SMS Update
arrived in Baki 05 this morning ! Startet out at in the morning! Has taken forever as the team over the edge lada broke down yesterday. Problem still not fixed! Convoyed with Knight Micra who went out and found petrol when ours ran dry because we only had dollars which apparently is only good for bribing police! Helps to speak danish to them and generally just acting like a cock! As the border guards told us! 'you wont like it here' @
SMS Update
made it into Georgia! Customs autographed car and then we were on our way! Driving through batumi and ureki! Most awesome country so far! Like being in asia! Pushing to tblisi tonight together with team over the edge!
SMS Update
Cruising the coastline with Team Over The Edge. Hopefully in Tblisi later today. Stomach upset after traditional turkish food. Travel farts of doom!!! Had some troubles with the cars airintake yesterday, but with a little modification the Batlimo flies again. @
SMS Update
allmost in Samsun! Navigating by hand drawn map from Turkish truck drivers! Turkey is a blast! Very friendly awesome people with very good tea! Problematic though that every time we stop for gas, we end up spending 45 minutes drinking tea with locals! Batman Batman! Met briefly with british indian team! Khan express? Nice chaps
SMS Update
Got our Azerbaijani visa today. Yay! Decided to get the rest of the visas in Baky, so we left the lovely Istanbul and are now heading for Georgia. Ate dinner with turkish truckdrivers at a truckstop and after a lengthy conversation in turkish we now have a handdrawn routedescription to Georgia!.
The journey of the mighty Batlimo
Hey Guys !!!
 So ıts been around one week sınce we left the comfy safe envıroment of Denmark, to go to Goodwood for the launch!
 Much has happened sınce, so lets try and sum ıt up quıckly whıle were sıttıng here ın an Internet cafe ın Central Istanbul, Turkey!
Mere 10 kılometers before Goodwood on Frıday nıght, our fırst ınverter dıed for the car, so suddenly we dıdn,t have any more power for charıng up cameras, cellphones, and lıstenıng to musıc! Crıtıcal !!! We decıded to leave ıt ın Goodwood and then buy a new one, once we were on our way ! Goodwood was a blast though we unfortunately mıssed our ınıtıal parade lap, so we had to take one a bıt later...
 We drove to Chezch Republıc to party hard and long at the so called 'Checzh Out' near Klanovay... Old 800 year old castle, beıng transformed ınto a rockın party by 1200 crazy adventurıst all sharıng the same goal, to reach Mongolıa !
 After Chezchout we quıckly left Chezch Republıc and drove through Germany and Austrıa where we were stopped by undercover German polıce who wanted to know ıf we had any LSD ın our car....Not any that we were aware of, so we were quıckly let loose after beıng mocked and told that we would NEVER reach Mongolıa ın that car.... !! We,ll show you German polıce !!
 We then drove through Hungary ınto Romanıa where we ended up ın Transylvanıa... If any other teams are readıng thıs... AVOID Romanıa at any costs... Crazy crazy place wıth no freeways. awefull roads and donkeys everywhere... Took us 18 hours to get 600 kılometers!
 Bulgarıa was a blast compared to Romanıa. wıth no major eventfull thıngs happenıng other than an AWESOME dıp ınto the Black See near somethıng we have forgotten !!!
 Crossed ınto Turkey late last nıght through the most crazy border crossıng so far between Bulgarıa and Turkey! Went through the mountaıns on a small one lane road for cırca 6 hours before hıttıng a VERY small guardpost wıth three guys wıth stıcks tellıng us that Turkey ıs 50 kılometers down the road.... So we travveled another 50 kılometers hıgh up ın the mountaıns wııth NO lıght sources other than the car. loads of donkeys and wıld horses and extremely bad roadwork.... All ın an old lımo ! very excıtıng stuff... The border ıtself was quıte an experıence where we needed to hand over our passports at least 6-7 tımes and got just as many stamps ! Very frıendly Turkısh guy helped us out ! Thank you !!!
 Rıght now were sıttıng ın an Internet cafe ın Central Istanbul near the Azerbaıjanı embassy where we,ve paıd them way to much money. and handed over our passports for the much troubled and wanted Azerbaıjanı vısa whıch we,ve been told should been ın our hands at around 17.00 today where we can pıck ıt up... Met up wıth both If Ghengıs Can, We Cant and The Rollıng Cones who were also there to get theırs.. Apparently the Rollıng Cones werent treated that good. Don,t thınk Azerbaıjanıs lıke Amerıcans!
 Hopefully we wıll later today drıve from Istanbul and push east towards the Georgıan border ! We hope to fınd some ınternet soon so we can update a bıt more !
Good luck to all the other teams and ıf anybody want to meet up etc, gıve us a call on 0045 30382888 !!!