Team Team Wolfson

Grant Galletly

Well, I started off by going to Edinburgh uni and doing some mathematical physics....which was horrendous. So I graduated from that and now I do some economics,..much better! Basically, I go to lectures (sometimes), goto the gym (sometimes),play a spot of football (occasionally), and have the odd drink with my mates (exclusively on days in ending in y). In between all that I usually spend my time round johnnys, pontificating about fit girls, ridiculosuly funny movies, shit music and telling him to stop pestering me to play Auld lang syne with him in the toilet! mucky boy...don't actually see how life could have any more meaning to it...could it?!

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Neil Munro

I'm originally from Elgin, Scotland (in between Inverness and Aberdeen - no-one ever knows where it is...) and moved down to Edinburgh to go to uni in 2001. I graduated with an MEng in Electronics & Electrical Engineering in 2006 and have been working for Wolfson Microelectronics in Edinburgh ever since. I enjoy weightlifting, badminton, squash, pool/snooker and general banter and socialising. I got a bit fed up of sitting around in front of a computer all day though, so I thought I'd try to see some of the world before I start getting too settled down!

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Jonathan Taylor

Basically, i am just finishing my degree at edinburgh uni(electrical engineering and nothing to do with motors!)and looking forward to this summers adventure where ever it may lead me. With to malcos as team mates we will do well!! JT

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