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At the prime age of 27 years old, Haylee Tumanik considers herself to be quite the mechanic - a "grease monkey" you might say. Her knowledge of cars goes as far as locating the cup holders and adjusting the AC. Pop up cup holders are her favourite. Haylee has vowed to increase this knowledge before the rally takes off. Haylee is quietly obsessed with travelling and has travelled to 30 countries, immersing herself in different cultures and new experiences. Her first genuine PB&J sandwich was on a glacier in Alaska. Haylee can say a few sentences in Polish which will absolutely come in handy when the team doesn't visit Poland or go anywhere near it. Haylee is most looking forward to hitching a ride on a horse in the Mongolian desert, and giving endless cuddles to local kids along the way.
We are Patrick, Haylee, Natalie and James; adventurers from Sydney, Australia. We don't know what this rally is. We don't know what you want of us. If you are looking for car mechanics I can tell you we don't have any experience, but what we do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills we have acquired over a very long career as Aussie crocodile wrestlers. Skills that make us a nightmare for a cross-country rally. If you don't let us on this rally now that'll be the end of it. We will live pointless lives in Sydney, we will never know what could have been, but if you do, we will look for a car, we will find you and we will drive you.
*disclaimer: we may have over exaggerated our crocodile wrestling skills, however, we do believe if the occasion calls for it our Aussie wrestling instincts will kick in and save the day.

Father Chris Riley's Youth Off The Streets
We have personally chosen Father Chris Riley's Youth Off The Streets as our second charity. The organisation was started in 1991 by Father Chris Riley. Youth Off The Streets has grown from a single food van delivering meals to young homeless people on the streets of Kings Cross, New South Wales to a major agency providing a wide range of services to youth. Youth Off The Streets has helped more than 70,000 people with less than half of its funding coming from government sources. It employs more than 150 people and has more than 320 volunteers. It provides crisis care for young people aged 12-22 still living on the streets with a food van, youth refuge and outreach programs. It also operates an innovative drug and alcohol program specifically designed for young people. Youth Off The Streets helps young people reach their full potential and discover greatness within.

Cool Earth
This year The Adventurists and the Mongol Rally have chosen to support Cool Earth in their work to protect the Amazonas. The best way to explain why is probably to quote The Adventurists. “We’ve been banging on about saving the world for ages and we’ve raised stupendous amounts of money for a load of amazing charities (4.4 million GBP and counting). So we sat down at HQ and pondered on what we could do that will actually save the world and continue the fight to make it less boring. Then it hit us like a well-polished brogue to the nuts: “we must save every rainforest in the world so future generations have somewhere to get stuck”. Not because we’re tree hugging sandal wearers, but because the world would be shit without them. It’s not just about the carbon, the point is rainforests are indescribably excellent.” Cool Earth only work with villages that approach them and therefore drive the partnership. A village decides what it needs most and how funds are spent – everything from clean water and a new classroom to midwife training and mosquito nets. Better health, better education and better livelihoods all lead to forest kept standing.