Team Thats It, Thats All

Alex Heighway
Of Thats It, Thats All
On the Rickshaw Run August 2017

First Entry And Kicking Off The Donation Page

So a little about me. 29 Male from New Zealand and living in France. Have lived all over while doing winter seasons. Whistler Canada's my first, Mayrhofen Austria and some time in Kitzbuhel Austria. Then to the big smoke of London were I worked festivals all over the UK while through the week I landscaped to make ends in London life style. Next step after that was Tignes France for a season leaving there to QueensTown New Zealand's winter and finishing up back in France carrying finishing a season In Morzine. Planning the next step to the south of France for some surf and sun.

Somewhere in there I also made it to Los Angeles, Palmer-Spain, Switzerland and Through Italy.

With this Rickshaw Race we are all hyped for it and how its going to help us experience India. Lets just say that CoolEarth is an amazing charity doing something significant for the planet so its not hard to get behind them and back them up.

So right now its inter-season. This means the little town of Morzine is pretty much a ghost town with most people back in the UK or off on their next adventure. Wether it be the south of France to NZ, Australia, Asia or South America they are all over the place but maybe i'll get lucky and see them all again somewhere in the world at some point in time, but this is what being a seasoner is about.

Inter-season also means that I have no work on for a month or so. This has given me the time to get into the run and realise that we're a little behind the ball. The last couple of days I have been head down at the computer working on getting the two teams together and registered. With us all over the place it's hard work. Luke,Pet and Freddie are in the UK working full time, Josh is in Chamonix working away and well WHO KNOWS WHERE KODY IS........ arrr we have lost communications with him at the moment "MIA".

The teams are sorted we have the name and have started a Donation page here is the link...........

Thats It, Thats All is an old Travis Rice Snowboarding movie. We went with this as if the weather keeps on this path then we wont have anymore snow thus That it, Thats All. Its also reflects on the snow community and to try and get them behind us.

Coconuts On The Snow is a reference to Cool Running. As Petra is from Czech Republic the Czech translation for cool running is COCONUTS ON A SNOW and we thought that it fits our group

Going to leave it at that but have some plans of filming over the next day or so. keep an eye out for whats to come


Kiwi Lad traveling around the would and based in France at the moment


Most righteous

Thats It, Thats All and Coconuts on the snow

Cool Earth is saving the rainforest
