Team The Babylonian

Emma Lee

Very dusty from all the adventuring. Need a cold beer and a warm pie/hug. Actually it's all a big lie - movements have all been on the same latitude for a while - all plans for prison break thwarted - until now! Very much in the forwarding looking direction of a long and loud toodle pip to blighty in the seventh month of this, the year of our great escape 2010!

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Ok, so it's 6 months or so to go and we have our first team meeting this saturday at the Raving Rasputin party and if our heads are up to it by Sunday we may have decided our route.  The three countries I would like to incorporate most are Georgia, Iran and of course Mongolia.  We will see.....the car, the charities and everything else we will try to tackle too.....Think we need to get a roof rack.