Team The Buttered Chickens

We made it! the start line

Hey guys,


Well very interesting journey we had.....  Got into Delhi airport at 6am local time, so spicy, so hot!  We then flew all the way across the country to Bagdogra which was an interesting place....  The airport was straight out of the wright brothers era and the public transport connections about as sophisticated as a bogan after 10 schooners!


Certainly the most interesting part of the trip has been the jeep ride from Bagdogra to Gangtok, Sikkim.  124km trip, thought it might take about 2 hours (did the sums, slow driving at 60km p/h average, too easy!)  Well it was far from easy....!


In what can only described as probably some of the most spectacular scenery in the world, 6 hours later, we made it!  Along the way we had to dodge about a million cows and mountain goats, hungry pack dogs and of course, a monkey or two!  As cute as the monkies are, they are riddled with rabies so best not to touch them!


My word though, the scenery was amazing....  Tall mountains far higher than anything we have to offer back home (they call them hills here) and in between, a valley with a fast flowing river rapid, the only thing dividing India from Bhutan.  Truly stunning.  Not so stunning was the real threat of landslides and we got caught up in one for an hour which proved to be very tricky but our driver was up to the task!  All I can say is, good luck to us getting back down again in that rickshaw!


So we take off on Sunday, 10.30am local time and our plan is to head to Darjeeling for some tea and some terribly snotty colonial living, I must say!  We will be blogging from the road (yes, somehow we have the ability in this country, don't ask how!)  So stay tuned, you can also track our route as we go on the map!



Kieran Doyle

Load Kieran

Mikayla Dyer

Managed to get crushed under a rickshaw on the Autumn Rickshaw Run 2010 somewhere in the desert, cutting open an artery, losing some skin and breaking quite a few bones.
good times!

read more... Load Mikayla

Jaydon Burke-Douglas

I have nothing to declare, except for my genius.

read more... Load Jaydon

<p><font face="helvetica" size="3"><strong>Welcome to Jaydon and Kieran's Excellent Adventure!!!!</strong></font></p><p><font face="helvetica" size="3">Fourscore and at least seven minutes ago, we, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by your friends...... Jay-wow and K-dawg.&nbsp; These two great gentlemen are dedicated to a proposition which was true 100 years ago, just as it's true today. Be excellent to each other.&nbsp; And....&nbsp; PARTY ON DUDES!!!</font></p><p><font face="helvetica" size="3">Friends, family, colleagues and people we tricked into donating that we don't care about (just joking.... or am I?!), welcome to our blog!!&nbsp; Here you will find daily updates how the&nbsp;awesome duo&nbsp;on a trio of wheels&nbsp;is trekking and well, lets be honest, so our families know&nbsp;we are still alive!</font></p><p><font face="helvetica" size="3">Stay tuned.......</font></p><p><font face="helvetica" size="3">Kieran</font></p>