Team The Dal Faced Boys

Andrew Cook

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Darin Cook

A food loving bearded individual, once he realized there was no adventure to be had in suburban Canada, accepted an offer to travel to India, and can't wait for it!

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Johan Göbel

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<h1><font size="5">Charity through Adventure... in our lifetime?!</font></h1><p><br /><span style="font-family: helvetica"></span></p><p><font size="3"><span style="font-family: trebuchet ms,geneva">Welcome to our Website!&nbsp; How's it going?&nbsp; Fine, thanks!&nbsp; </span></font></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><font size="3"><span style="font-family: trebuchet ms,geneva">You are undoubtedly here due to one of two reasons:</span></font></p><p><font size="2">1) You have donated to the charity through us and want to check up on us, make sure we are doing ok, have had enough to eat, and so on. &nbsp; </font></p><p><font size="2">2) You have NOT donated to the charity but are nonetheless &quot;donation-curious&quot;...</font></p><p><font size="2">&nbsp;</font></p><p><font size="2">If 1) then let me say on behalf of all Dal Faced Boys the world over - THANK YOU!&nbsp; And an even bigger THANK YOU on behalf of all those people who your donations are going to help.&nbsp; Not knowing whether the water you are drinking could kill you must be something most of us take for granted...</font></p><p><font size="2">&nbsp;If 2) then THANK YOU ... for your interest!&nbsp; This website (although put together by three Boys with no experience in &quot;Inter-net&quot; design...) is meant to provide a little bit more information about our Team, the Absurd Operation we are running, the Charity, the Big Event itself, Excessive Use of Capitalized Words etc, etc. &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; </font></p><p>&nbsp;</p>