Team The desert deserters

this time next week

Well this time next week we will have completed our first day on the road. not even sure where we are hoping to be but it will be somewhere on the Indian sub-continent.

Packing so far?? For me nothing has been done except spread my stuff all over the floor and move items from one pile to the next. But hey it doesn't take long when you packing in the supermarket so why should this be any different. Just stuff it all in and off you go, its just a bigger bag. But i know it will be a mad rush in the end to pack everything. Got us a tow rope, some rope to tie everything on the roof, tent for emergencies, folding shovel to dig us out of the s##t or dig a hole to have a s##t.

Got appointment tomorrow for one last jab that needs to be done as it only came to light at last minute and somehow got missed the first time around. Rather late than never.

the beginning

we have finally been able to all sit down together to discuss things for our trip. after couple cups coffee, yes coffee some had to work next day, we almost decided that we gonna head up the coast towards Goa and then head inland from there. we have done some distance measuring on out map using a stirring stick from the coffee shop, so lets just see how far we get on that one. GPS sounds more reliable.

yeah nerves do get going the more i think about this trip but can't wait for the adventure, seeing India for first time and new culture and meeting new people doing the same crazy trip as we are.

Andrew Tetley

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Stuart Thompson

Load Stuart

Christopher Plett

Load Christopher