We made it! 1200k, elephants, Police stops, and a beautiful country. Sad to say goodbye to Mildred. And I'm a Pioneer...
We made it! 1200k, elephants, Police stops, and a beautiful country. Sad to say goodbye to Mildred. And I'm a Pioneer...
And that was the pioneer rickshaw run. Sad to leave our dear Mavis at the finish line, but she served us well, even in the most difficult of times. Thank you loyal friend!
We made it to the Southernmost point of Sri Lanka. Nice way to finish off the last day
Day Seven. Last day. A visit to the Southernmost tip is in order before we head to Galle Fort and the finish line.
Day Six then. Started in lovely Arugam Bay, covered around 290k, saw elephants, eagles, toucan, monitor lizard, more elephants, bison, deer, peacocks, crocodiles, mongooses, parrots, even more elephants, and a dog, picked up a hitchhiker, and drove for 3 hours in the dark again. Galle tomorrow, last day, I'm gutted.
Nice to see the elephants stealing the show on penultimate day.
Feeling surprisingly well after the meet up
After putting in 14 hour shift yesterday, a bit of R&R is needed. Ice cold beers in generous quantities, please.
Totally misjudged how long it would take us from Lion Rock to Ella. Plus monsoon, bad traffic and some very steep hills. Left Trincomalee at 8am, arrived Ella quarter past midnight. 6 hours driving in the dark. However I am now lying on a king size bed in a treehouse. Looking forward to the view tomorrow
An adventure club, open to adventurous boys and girls.
Clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene should be a normal part of everyone’s daily life. Without all three, people can’t live dignified, healthy lives. With all three, they can unlock their potential, break free from poverty and change their lives for good. With clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene, children are born healthier. They get the chance to go to school and grow up to become adults. Women and men get to earn a living. Whole communities start to thrive. It sounds normal and it should be.
We specialise in all things edible, but as we came from a background in reenacting, we are known best for our historically inspired range of dried, smoked, pickled and preserved foods. We make a wide range of delicious snacks, for both meat eaters and veggies, that are healthy alternatives to the usual snackfood that people tend to eat nowadays. Our range includes jerky, fruit scrolls, pickles, relishes, spice mixes, chillies, sweet things, savoury things and a number of smoked ingredients. We have a wide variety of flavours so we're bound to have something for everyone! In addition to selling historically inspired food, we also give talks and demonstrations at festivals and events. You can find out more about that by looking through the links on the website
Solution focused hypnotherapy with Kate Jordan BA, DHP, DSFH, MNCH, MSc. Solution focused hypnotherapy can help you achieve your goals enabling you to lead a IMG_2936 life that feels more fulfilling. I am a clinical hypnotherapist and psychotherapist specialising in solution focused hypnotherapy. I am also a member of the National Council for Hypnotherapy. Key areas in which hypnotherapy can help include: anxiety, stress, anger, low mood, addictions, weight control, confidence, insomnia, OCD, relationships, panic attacks, phobias, sports/music performance, interviews, presentations and many more.