Team The Escapologists

Republic of Altai, Russian Federation

Just seen a TWO humped camel!Was pretty excited,fed him some grass.Altai republic full of mountains,suzuki powering over them!Last night pitched tent beside river,built fire, had super noodles, drank vodka, and then walked across bridge 2 a mental russian rave on other side of river. Massive night! Now at mongol border with 20 other teams, we are definitely in siberia. Its arctic! Snow on the hills. Layered up &Cracked out the vodka!@

Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Crossed border 2days ago. Lost our previous convoy outside tehran, formed new one,4cars go to 'gateway to hell' in karakum desert. Aussies in Peugeot hit pothole and promptly broke down. Fixed it up and made it2 Flaming gas crater. It was awesome! Ate russian super noodles and watched shooting stars. Woke up early to find 3 camels had invaded our campsite, chased them off and had some tea and hit the road to uzbekistan!@

William Mulholland

Load William

Claire-Lise Honsinger

Load Claire-Lise

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