Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
just got stopped for speeding near kyzgylorda. We where let off however as the police mistook ed as nicky butt! Desert driving has broken various bits of the car but pritt stick has welded it back together.
Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
just got stopped for speeding near kyzgylorda. We where let off however as the police mistook ed as nicky butt! Desert driving has broken various bits of the car but pritt stick has welded it back together.
Odesa, Ukraine
after being forced to bribe our way out of transinnistra, a country which doesnt really exist, the team is now living the high life in odessa. Spa hotels, bloody marys and valet parking for the yaris. Call 00447817176904 if you're out in odessa tonight@
All the UK teams have now departed form the mighty festival of slow at the historic racing circuit. One car broke down on the parade lap, followed by an ambulance which lost two wheels on the way to dover. The Yaris has now blown eight fuses as we´re sitting here in Munich. Its a quick hop over to the Czech Republic this afternoon for the Czechout party, and then after that who knows...
Visa la France!
The talk of the moment is of course Visas and Passports. Currently I have all of them except the Mongolian one, It's currently in the embassy! This is all good news. Harry needs a few more, but besides from that we're sorted. We just need them to arrive safely in France so we can get back to the UK now! The visa machine operatives have done sterling work at getting the visas sorted and sending them back and forth. We salute you!
Hasn't time flown?
Well yes actually it has! Lot's of things have changed in our camp over the last six months! Notably our theam name is now more appropriatly 'The Expats' as we are all English but live in France. For Harry and I, our time here is coming to an end. The final presentations for our Masters in l'management urbain et urbanisme at Lyon2 are this week. Harry flys back to England on the Thursday and I drive over on the following Tuesday. Ed is staying at work in France, hopefully he can make it in time for the launch at goodwood, otherwise we'll have to pick him up in Paris. Ed is a Nuclear Engineer which would be usefull if our car ran on a Pressurised Water Reactor instead of a 998cc engine. More updates and indeed video's soon!
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Vehicular Transportation Device
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Vehicular Transportation Device
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In the beginning...
*'We** shall **never cease from exploration**. And the end of all our exploring. **Will** be to arrive where **we** started. And know the place for the first time'** *T.S.Elliot
Well well well, after a whole year of bumbling on about the Mongol Rally, we're finally here, paid, present and correct! It's a peculiar thing sitting and waiting for sign-up to go live, pensively watching the screen, worrying if you have pressed refresh too many times, or on the other hand not enough. After the rally sold out in two minutes a few years ago I made sure my finger hit the mouse button quicker than an intercontinental ballistic missile, simultaneously securing our place and evaporating seven hundred and fourteen of the queens British pounds in less than a millisecond. The feeling? Ecstatic! Now all we have to do is buy a car, raise lots of money, drink some tea, get visas, get sponsors, get a tent/gazebo thingy, drink more tea and wait over three hundred days until the launch (oh and finish my masters degree and move to France but I'm sure that's going to be easy...)! I spent a whole day looking for cars and trying to cut some deals and then couldn't sleep for excitement! That's it for now, but things should get cracking on soon so expect more updates shortly!Â
Team Principal
<div style="background-color: #ffffff; font-size: 10px; font-family: Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif"><p><strong><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-large"><font class="Apple-style-span" face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Welcome to THE EXPATS homepage!</font></span></strong></p><p><strong><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-large"><font class="Apple-style-span" face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"></font></span></strong></p><p><strong><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-large"><font class="Apple-style-span" face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"></font></span></strong></p><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12px"><h1>Newsflash: We have acquired a beastly 1.0L 2002 Toyota Yaris! (In burgundy)</h1><h1>The Mighty Mongol Rally...</h1><h2>What's the point?</h2><p>The world is just a little bit too small. Gone are the days where the edge of the map called you forth to discover what lay beyond - satellite maps and GPS have it laid out before you leave the armchair. What if you want things to go wrong? What if you want a bit of unknown in your life? What if the words "adventure travel" conjure images of old ladies on a guided tour to Everest base camp with all the real adventure neatly removed? What you need is the Mongol Rally.</p></span><p><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12px">Imagine yourself in the middle of <font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="2">the gargantuan Kazakh desert, your car slowly being shredded by the dirt track your map says is a motorway, completely lost hundreds of miles from civilisation. Just you, your wits, a car that the laws of physics say shouldn't have got you past the M25, as 3 wheels fall off with a slightly angry looking man with a</font> gun.</span></p></div>