Bayan Olgii, Mongolia
Bayan Olgii, Mongolia
Barnaul, Russia
Final stop in Russia before heading for the Mongolian border tomorrow. Preparing to swap our shorts for woolly hats and thermals!
Pavlodar Province, Kazakhstan
Just crossed back into Russia! Bumped into Team Otschir yesterday - feel that their vehicle might perhaps be slightly better suited to the roads than ours...
Astana, Kazakhstan
The hunt for the sump guard begins...
Moscow, Russia
3 day break in Moscow drawing to a close. Have sampled nightlife and befriended local mafia. Time to get back on the road...
, Latvia
Sitting at Russian border. Have heard tales of 14 hour waits and terrible portaloos. Hope to be in Moscow tomorrow night...
Podlaskie Voivodeship, Poland
Have fed Poland's mosquito population while skinny-dipping. About to enter Lithuania and plan to be in Latvia before dark. Practising smoking and shotting vodka to butter up the Russians on Monday...
Booze, Bureaucracy and Baftas
It's been a busy few weeks at Ginsoaked HQ. Here's an update of the latest developments: - Sponsorship We've been lucky enough to land a sponsorship deal with The Online Off Licence[]( We're really excited to have them on board and look forward to working with them during the build up to the rally (and working our way through their stock). We'd also like to thank the guys at Hugfactory[](, who are currently making us some matching onesies to keep us warm during the cold nights on the Mongolian steppe. - Paperwork (Yawn) Visa applications are in the post! Now we're just praying to the bureaucracy fairy that our passports will appear back on our doormats covered in all the right coloured stamps... - Twitter We've set up our Twitter account. Check out [ginsoaked2011](!/ginsoaked2011) for all our latest updates. -Baftas, here we come... The camcorder has been purchased, the red carpet beckons... Move aside Danny Boyle, forget the King's Speech, get excited for the true cinematic highlight of 2011. - Celebrity With loads of interest from media tycoons keen to jump on the gin-soaked bandwagon to grab the story of a lifetime, keep a look out for some exciting press articles coming soon... - Lance Armstrong, eat your heart out... As you may be aware, Adam is currently taking part in an epic cycle race from Cairo to Cape Town. Having made it through political unrest in Egypt and 50 degree heat in Sudan, he is currently doing battle with the brutal hills of the Ethiopian Highlands. You can follow his progress on the [Tour d'Afrique]( website. That's all for now. Keep checking back for the latest news. Over and out.
Odds and Ends
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Odds and Ends
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Has an old-school baker's bike. 1 gear, no brakes, flat tyres. Plans to cycle a long(ish) distance on it one day...