Not pictures of the Rally

Not pictures of the Rally

Not pictures of the Rally

The Routes and other Doubts
Sometimes we let our imaginations lead us down yellow brick roads of absurdity. Your decision making, mixed with the dope of euphoria, peel off in all directions.
As the idea of taking part in this junket began to gel, our first inclination was to concoct the most unfathomably difficult route. The Goat Rodeo was not only going to partake in this thing, but we were going to drive into every crack and crevasse we could stick our throttle in. To me and the others involved at the time, may they rest in peace, these coordinates would require one to traverse Western Europe southeast into the Balkans. The Rodeo would then rest their feet in the Ottoman Empire on the way from Istanbul, Turkey to Baku Azerbaijan. EASY!
OK. How about completing the elementary task of allocating a phantom ferry to Turkmenistan. Our auto-ark apparently comes and goes as it pleases, its pilgrims subject to a thorough milking of the finances. And IF all of this was managed, the Rodeo would be dismounting onto one of this earth's most ass-backwards little slices of dirt. Or so I've only heard (in 2009 the President thought a cat was trying to assassinate him).Â
From here we'd hug the West's favourite Persian pen-pal on our way to either Tajikistan or Uzbekistan. As far as I was concerned, my internal GPS was dialed-in to chase the peaks of the Tian Shan along the Pamir Highway. And if Hypoxia didn't rue the day, soon we'd be venturing further into the Graveyard of Empires as we penetrated Kyrgyzstan and then the infamous Kazakhstan. One of our most formidable decision would be made upon entering Putin's playground. Would the Rodeo put itself into Interstellar Overdrive towards оÌзеро БайкаÌл or would it choose theunpaved primrose path of the Gobi Desert? Unfortunately the outcome of that decision, and for that matter, the act of deciding to decide it, was never to come to fruition. As this first route of many and the first incarnation of the Rodeo was brutally murdered by finances, book learning, and Time.Â
 Fuck it! While the cast and the script have changed the show will go on!
<p><font face="helvetica" size="4">Two young North American lads venturing out on a journey of unknown magnitude. Something that starts as a conversation but, which one hopes, will end as an odyssey beyond description. Perhaps, it is a longing to be like those who came before us. Men who's lust for adventure drove them across the great frigid plains of Canada and the violent peaks of the Rockies. This coupled with a unique opportunity to assist those in this world who need no more than the most basic of necessities. Necessities for which most have come to expect as an almost unquestioned allowance. </font></p><p><font face="helvetica" size="4">The journey, to the rovers of yester-century, would appear as whimsical and trite but by modern western standards is painted in recklessness and danger. </font> </p><p><font face="helvetica" size="4">On July 13, the Rodeo will saddle up their 1 litre steeds of lightweight aluminium and plastic for a voyage across the land of deceased empires. Bicycle sized wheels will guide us along thousands of miles of Soviet-era highway and stone-riddled desert goat-paths. </font></p><p><font face="helvetica" size="4">With the support of family, friends, and all-around swell humans we hope to raise a wopping amount of cabbage for our friends at Doctors Without Borders and The Lotus Children's Center in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. </font></p><p><font face="helvetica" size="4">Please consider rubbernecking around our site here and again for any updates and news. Also, please refer to our twitter account, @goatrodeorally, for all your daily salacious and sometimes salubrious peckings. </font></p>