Team The Gobi Gadabouts

Gorno-Altaysk, Russian Federation

5000 miles down and still going strong, aptly celebrated with a roadside shashlik kebab. Currently heading towards the Altay mountains for one last night in Russia before crossing the border. Stocked up with supplies for desert this morning at the cynepmapket, which consist largely of freeze dried meat themed noodles.@

Check out our Photos in our gallery!

The photos of the car and the quiz are up - check out our gallery to have a better look!

Hopefully our photography skills will improve before we leave. However, not even the jauntiest of angles or enthusiastic of photographers can make a Fiat Punto look like a sexy car that's gonna turn any heads.

Forget comparing it to "polishing a turd", it's more like trying to sweep up diarrhea with your bare a puddle of the the Gabon...covered in sh*@t!!!


Ciao for now.  

The morning after the quiz before.

Last night saw the first fundraising event - the Mongol Madness pub quiz at Paradise in Kensal Rise.

The night was a howling success and we raised almost £390 nicker - which will help nicely towards our fundraising total. 

Great feedback from all participants on the questions, written by the Gadabouts themselves. Shout outs to Lucy for providing the cracking car themed cake, Louisa and Damaris for providing some rather sassy pants for the raffle, and to everyone else who helped out with a prize on the night. 

 Well done to "Chris had a 3some with the barmaid" who won the quiz and subsequently demolished both prizes, and to our resident tranny Spike - hope he's enjoying the pants whether they be on his head/given to some lucky lucky lady. 


Pics to follow shortly!


Just over three months to go and we've finally done our first blog post...this doesn't bode well... 

Fear not! Leaving things to the last minute is in the Gadabouts' bone marrow, so we are confident in our ability to wrap all the preparations up within seconds of driving our car over the start line. 

One slight problem is that we don't have a car yet to even jump into before we start to move to cross the start line to start the thing to do the bloody whadyacall it...

However does not having a car yet really matter? No. Is this the ramblings of a drunk man? Probably.

Currently we are riding on a crest of rejections from a handful of companies who we sought sponsorship from. However fortunately us Gadabouts are used to swift and merciless rejections...particularly in night clubs.  

Have no fear! There is light at the end of the tunnel! 


Benjamin Jarman

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William Berry

Having spent a year working as a gonzo journalist in Moscow, Will has earned his reputation as the Russian Hunter S. Thompson. Like any good hack in the former Eastern Bloc, Putin tried to have him killed, but only because he thought Will's writing was crap.

Now, having been hounded out of Russia and his visa revoked, Will is using the Mongol Rally to inveigle his way back into the warm bosom of the Motherland.

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Nicholas Halewood

Whether it's bag carrying in election campaigns, being an apologist for a large defence company or working in a suburban organic food shop, Nick likes to take takes his fundamentalist capitalism beliefs with him. Although his next stop is technically corporate law, he has not
ruled out accepting a job offer from any small time Central Asian oligarchs whilst on the rally. Although not a great linguist, Nick hopes that his unique style of abrasive, yet relaxed communication will win the team the hearts and minds of all those they encounter on their adventure.

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<h1><font class="Apple-style-span" face="georgia, palatino"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: x-large">Where the Gadabouts reveal their deepest, darkest secrets...</span></font></h1><p><font class="Apple-style-span" face="georgia, palatino"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: medium">Any gentleman sho</span></font><font class="Apple-style-span" face="'book antiqua', palatino"><font class="Apple-style-span" face="georgia, palatino"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: medium">uld keep a d</span></font><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: xx-large"><font class="Apple-style-span" face="georgia, palatino"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: medium">iary.</span></font> <font class="Apple-style-span" face="georgia, palatino"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: medium">Especially when he travels.</span></font></span><font class="Apple-style-span" face="georgia, palatino"><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-size: medium">&nbsp;On this page you'll find the musings of the gentlemen ralliers throughout their epic odyssey.&nbsp;</span></font></font></p>