Ulan Ude, Russia
yeah we did it, drinking beer at Churchil
Ulan Ude, Russia
yeah we did it, drinking beer at Churchil
Gusinoozersk, Russia
100 km to the finish line
Ulan Bataar, Mongolia
Bayanhangay, Mongolia
Altay, Mongolia
we lost one day
Hovd, Mongolia
Olgiy, Mongolia
Kosh-Agach, Russia
tomorrow early on the morning we will be at the Mongol border together with Balder Brothers
Manzherok, Russia
Camping at the riverside Katun
Novosibirsk, Russia
Transpassing the city and drive to Barnaul for tonight
SUPPORTING THE ASHANINKA PROJECT----Our Ashaninka project in Peru lies at ground zero for destruction on the Western Amazon. We're working alongside 15 villages in the Ené Valley to form a protective shield for millions of acres of neighbouring forest. Sponsoring Ashaninka rainforest funds the villages rainforest protection and community investments to ensure our partner communities are best placed to keep their forest standing.
Nod Yap? is a high quality manufacturer of GRC for applications of architecture wall cladding & sun screens
?lk Construction Trade, Inc. has been established to construct various superstructure, infrastructure, industrial and residential building projects in our home country Turkey and abroad.
In 1953 Renzo Rino Disperati started a family company which today is well-known and respected not only in Turkey but also across the borders. This institution, while preserving the family tradition, continued its Professional development and contributed proudly both the economy of the Country and the vocational training of many collegues. Gardensa, which is being de facto managed by the 2nd and 3rd generations today, provides consultancy, design and application services in the field of landscaping while still producing plants.
Firmam?z 300 dönümlük bir arazide, yaprakl? a?aç ve kal?n meyve fidanlar? üretmektedir. Yaprakl? a?açlar?m?z 2x (replikajl?) ve 3x (replikajl?) olmak üzere iki fakl? ?ekilde üretilmektedir. Fidanlar?m?z tarladan sökülüp dikilece?i yerde de ayn? formu ve taç yap?s?n? yakalayabilmesi için fidanlar?n kökleri terbiye edilerek yeni bir saçak kök yap?s? olu?turmak için replikaj yap?lmaktad?r.
Araz & Ünlüeser Law Firm provides legal services with five attorneys and one intern registered in the Istanbul Bar Association, who are proficient mainly in the law of obligations, commercial law, corporate law, contracts, consumer protection law, labor law and enforcement and bankruptcy law.
KLE B?LG? TEKNOLOJ?LER? A.?. mobil teknolojiler üretmek amac?yla Türkiye’de kurulmu? bir teknoloji ?irketidir. Araç takip sistemleri konusunda uzmanla?an KLE, Türkiye'nin en yayg?n sat?? ve sat?? sonras? a?? ile bugün ülkemizde kendi alan?nda lider olmaya aday konumundad?r.
For the past decade Vizzion Europe has been developing large scale real estate projects across Europe. Through its in-depth market knowledge Vizzion Europe’s developments seek to satisfy the increasingly demanding requirements of its clients and end-users.
Established in 2006, CYF Trade Fairs Inc. aims to contribute to the development of the trade fairs sector in Turkey and around the world, and a “mission” to be an industry leading company. CYF has a young and dynamic team focused on delivering the highest levels of customer satisfaction by constantly evolving and developing its structure, brands and meeting the needs of its customers through professionalism, reliability and continuity. CYF became part of Tarsus Group in September 2012, an international B2B media organisation with interests in exhibitions, conferences, publishing and online media. Please use the link to learn more about “Tarsus Group – Turkey”