teresa de miguel barco
On the The Mongol Rally 2015

Day 4, first review


[gallery] Drag and drop images you wish to upload within these gallery tags. [/gallery] la foto está tomada en el momento de la salida en Donostia

Hihi! the first post we are writing comes after crossing france and italy after leaving spain. In south Tyrol, we are going to move now to Innsbruck, Austria. We already saw a car burning in the highway and very nice towns on the way. !!!

Apa! el cuarto día del rally, todavía antes de la salida oficial mañana en Londres. Pasado mañana nos juntaremos con los demás equipos en Praga, República Checa tras haber cruzado Francia, Italia, Austria y Alemania. !!!




we are the ithaki project

Etiopía Utopía

Kainaberak Poverty in this region is closely linked to a deeply degraded environment. The heavy rains and the lack of vegetation have resulted in a severe soil erosion. Year after year, farmers lose part of the soil when it is dragged by the currents leaving behind a naked terrain unfit for cultivation. The objective of this project is to guarantee food security and to increase capacity in farming production for the population of the Kilte Awlaelo woreda, through the improvement of the vegetal cover and of the farming soils, implementing a plan for the preservation of the soils and the water. In order to reach this goal we are working in the rehabilitation of degraded soils to protect the Genfel river banks from erosion, protecting the farming terrains near the river from an irreversible erosion, helping to improve and preserve water and soil for productive ends, reforestation, biodiversity, biomass for pastures, and recharging water tables for irrigation. By being part of the establishment of synergies between Mekelle’s Agricultural University and the putting into practice by the St. Mary’s College in the area of implementation of the project, the transfer of knowledge and experiences is being favored.
