Team The Jimmy Rustlers

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Back in the day, I could throw a pig-skin a quarter mile.


Simply salacious.


Across the vast and majestic gulf of time and space...the jimmies rustle softly. Not even the Indian High Commission can rustle the Triumvirate, and believe us, they're trying very damn hard.

Railway Children

Railway Children provides protection and opportunity for children who have nowhere and nobody to turn to. Whilst their projects are spread globally, they have a particular focus in India. With thousands of children attempting to escape poverty by travelling across India's vast railway network in hope of a 'better existence', they find themselves lost and alone with only a station platform providing shelter and sanctuary from a world so much larger than themselves. Railway Children works on three levels: on the street with the intention of providing friendship, safe housing and ultimately reunion with families; within communities educating locals of the dangers children face if they look to run away with the intention of providing preventative measures to ensure local children's safety; and finally at governmental level with the aim of influencing political policy to enable a better future for generations to come.
