Team The Mighty Tuks

Matthew Boraman
Of The Mighty Tuks
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (April)

West Bengal, India

(18th) today we drove probable the most distance so far we are now right up in the hills heading for guatti and then Shillong!!! The roads are amazing! Tea fields once again! We have seen loads of monkeys a peacock and as always cows!!! Tonight's accomadation is maybe the worst yet... If its possible... Think of buildings site with a bed... Day and a half left!

Matthew Boraman
Of The Mighty Tuks
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (April)

West Bengal, India

most stressful day yet.. Started off amazing after last night and breakfast in bed this morning! The roads are getting worse and in some places are worse than dirt tracks as the bumps are big enough to fit a rickshaw in let alone drive over it! We managed to get to pakur befor ** some text is missing ** ece kept coming lose and ended up being a nightmare so we had to tow it a miles before we could get some spanners! The girls no longer have a first gear! We drove into Malda in the worst traffic I have seen so far! Miles of tailbacks but unlike England everyone just drives into any space at the side of the roads etc just going to have dinner then bed! Up at 5 to make up for lack of driving! 3 days left! Bring it on! X

Matthew Boraman
Of The Mighty Tuks
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (April)

West Bengal, India

So another fairly easyish day! Hearing stories of teams replacing engines like 3 times but so far we have been fine thank god!! All about the Ganesh sticker ;) we have just arrived in ...... Me and Scott left the girls tonight as we want to have a decent night in a posh hotel! Currently have feet up watching the TV with a beer! Another Canadian team is staying here so were going to there room for a few beers in a bit and then another amazing curry! Haven't had any bad food since we have arrived yet! Sad to say only 4 days left on the road :( don't want to leave tbh!! O and we didn't feel any earth quake in our area!!! X

Matthew Boraman
Of The Mighty Tuks
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (April)

West Bengal, India

so today as you can see by the map... Didn't cover much ground! Wasted half a day doting out all the problems! Had to get exhaust welded, clutch fixed and new igniter cables! Must have only covered about 100kms today! :( up early tomorrow to smash it! Heading up the mountains tomorrow! The north seems very hostile towards us and the other teams! Then again 2 white guys in Spider-Man rickshaw asking for directions is a little weird! We have visited places that a white person probable hasn't gone to for years!! Right needs some curry and kingfisher! X

Matthew Boraman
Of The Mighty Tuks
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (April)

Odisha, India

well we left vishakhapatnam early yesterday after having an afternoon off. We managed to get the rickshaws serviced so fingers crossed we can do the next 3000km without trouble! ... We broke down about 45 mins out of town. Problems with the carburettor. Managed to clean it all out and back on the road! Stopped at this town last night and we were told not to leave the room!! Dangerous area! I went on the back of a motorbike to get some good and we had it in the room! Everything's going well so far! We here another team have crashed into a cow.... Broken foot? Hope there ok! X

Matthew Boraman
Of The Mighty Tuks
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (April)

Andhra Pradesh, India

well we left at 7.30 again and not much has really happened today tbh! Fairly standard we have stopped already (4.15) at a beach resort. The hotel is nice. We decided to stop so we could get out washing done and also service the rickshaws as we have done about 1600km so far!! The roof rack has nearly fallen off so that needs welding back on! Early night for us all tonight... Starting to drift off whilst driving :/ half way 7 days to get to Shillong! As we have been saying "Shillong way to go yet" ;)

Matthew Boraman
Of The Mighty Tuks
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (April)

Tadepallegudem, India

ok well we have had a really good day! We left kavail today and had plans to push to vijayawada but we managed to make it all the way tadepallegudem. We left at 8 so we could have a little lay in. Hit the road and made good progress past ongole where we were flagged down by a passing car. Turned out to be a congressman from the area!! Took some photos and left! We then stopped for a quick drink and again had to follow a police man to the station so he could show us off! We stopped for lunch at an amazing Pizza Hut!!! Cost £1.20 each!!! Amazing!! First time eating something other than curry! Still loving them! Some night driving again. I asked for directions and a man drove us all the way!! brought us to a very nice hotel in the Center. They are celebrating the start of a new year tomorrow so many celebrations. Too many story's to tell in a txt.

Matthew Boraman
Of The Mighty Tuks
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (April)

Andhra Pradesh, India

What a day..everything happened today! So we left the beautiful beach resort and hit the road at 7.30ish! We headed to channi but we must have been driving around it for a good few hours until a really nice police man came and showed us the way! He even offered to let us stay at his!! Generosity here is amazing. Couple of the teams have said they saw a dead body's on the bypass! We than ran out of fuel but managed to just get to a petrol station! More getting lost shenanigans finally got here after driving at night for an hour! Had dinner at a local place. Rough! Still feeling good ATM!@

Matthew Boraman
Of The Mighty Tuks
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (April)

Tamil Nadu, India

OMG.. What a day... We broke down but we manage to sort it out... Exhaust fell off! Left tichy which was horrible... Bed bugs and holes in floor Etc.. Stopped in Pondicherry and then drove another 100km to this place and OMG... Beautiful and straight in for a swim!! Conveyed with 3 other teams today! Just having first good beer in 3 days! Amazing currys! X


My friends call me crazy… My Nan thinks I’m stupid and my mum calls me Matthew....

I am Matt from Team “The Mighty Tuks”!!
I guess this was my kinda fault… my friend took part in the Mongolian rally this year and thought “that sounds like fun!”

Why India then I hear you cry???
Well... simple… I have always wanted to see India and always wanted to drive a rickshaw across it… (Ok the last bit was a lie).

Well let’s get this adventure on the road!!


Hey I'm Scott from the team The Mighty Tucks! When my friend Matt came to me with the idea to drive no less then 4000km across India in a rickshaw with less power then my old trusty moped I'm not sure why I decided this was a great (more like terrible) thing to do! maybe its the challenge? Maybe its the raising money for a great cause? maybe I'm still trying to figure it out! Whatever the reason lets get this adventure on the road!