Team The Monkey Boys

What does "dry hump" mean to a camel?

The word travel traces its origins to the French travail meaning “work of a painful or laborious nature.” Which makes sense if you ever slept in a hostel after age 30, tried to rent a car in Mumbai or flew coach on Spirit Airlines.

So if we accept that travel will be harder that a beaver’s front teeth, we can sit back and bitch about it on social media. And of course, social media is abuzz at the new Wanderlust name change! No longer are we on the Rickshaw Run Hollywood to Bollywood adventure, so a title change was in order. Something exciting…something enticing…something that the dweebs at Facebook wouldn’t reject. So after 11 tries this is what they’d accept: Wanderlust-Gentleman Explorer.

It was a moment of pure travel.

Gregory Atkins

Buy me a drink and I'll tell you all about me.

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A Producer, a Director and an Actor walk into a bar. Who do you think will pick up the tab? Who(m)ever you choose, you'll be wrong.