Team The Morning Commute

Jarrod Silva
Of The Morning Commute
On the Rickshaw Run April 2017

India is Hot

Who knew India was so feckin hot? I mean, we've been before, and we knew it was hot, but it's hot.

Tried to get some supplies in the market and rolled around for about an hour at 930am before we had to tap out. Driving should be easy, right?

We felt like this today. ![file](//

Jarrod Silva
Of The Morning Commute
On the Rickshaw Run April 2017

Still on the train

The good ol' Jaisalmer Express, talk about the slow boat.

We grabbed the train from the Old Delhi Shithole Station (it's official name, I believe) and causally noticed several other teams doing the same. We were told that the train is uncomfortable and that we wouldn't sleep, but a 12 hour layover in Delhi can make anybody sleepy and Shawn and I crashed out immediately at 6pm, sleeping close to 12 hours.

Hopefully this will help us beat our jet lag and put us in prime shape for test driving, pimping the rickshaw, and partying this evening.

3.5 more hours til arrival.

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Jarrod Silva
Of The Morning Commute
On the Rickshaw Run April 2017

Delhi connection

After nearly 24 hours of travel, I've finally linked up with my brother from another mother after his trek from New York. Turns out Delhi is the same hole it was last time we were here. Waiting 12 hours outside didn't seem like much fun so we got a room for the day to rest before the overnight train.

Probably a good time to think about our route. Looking forward to meeting the other teams and honking our own horn instead of getting honked at.

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Just a regular asshole, trying to find something insane.


I'm a travel writer for Tortuga Backpacks and just an all around swell guy. I write, record podcasts, and make a bunch of stuff on my site

Two wildly inept guys drive over 4,000km across India behind the wheel of a 7 horsepower rickshaw (tuk tuks have steering wheels, right?). What could possibly go wrong?

Hopefully everything.

Follow along as Shawn (the goofy travel writer) and Jarrod (the salesman with hustle) bumble, bump, and barter their way through the Adventurist Rickshaw Rally from Jaisalmer to Cochin, India.

It's gonna get weird.