Team The Mototaxi Diaries

Tom Burnham

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Adam Armstrong

I have just graduated from Newcastle University with a degree in Economics and Business Management and have somehow landed a job in advertising in London town. I also play semi pro rugby, so my coach isnt so happy I'm missing a couple of games to go tackle South America, but hey you only live once! Hopefully you can see that this is going to be a pretty difficult task so please dig deep and donate whatever you can to practical action. Thanks!

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<p>Welcome to the It's Chaco Time team website. Here you can find out all about our team, our adventure, and once it has begun you will be able to keep track of our progress.</p><p><u>The Team</u>&nbsp;</p><p>We are a two man team of Tom Burnham and Adam Armstrong, both Newcastle University graduates (or will be very soon, fingers crossed). While contemplating what to do with our lives post university one night in early May 2010, possibly in a slightly inebriated state, we stumbled across an interesting event called the Mototaxi Junket. As it so happened, the sign up for the event had opened that very day and in an impulsive moment we&nbsp;decided to join. Of course we thought about this thoroughly before hand assessing the risks and costs involved and were completely aware what we were letting ourselves in for!</p><p><u>The Mototaxi Junket</u></p><p>Basically the Juket involves driving a Mototaxi (see image below) from Asunci&oacute;n, the capital of Paraguay, through Bolivia and ending up in Cuzco, Peru, all in about two weeks. That's about 2000km as the crow flies which of course will end up being much further on the roads, especially when you take into account that it's is illegal to drive a Mototaxi on most of the highways in the region. </p><p>As you can imagine, the back roads of South America are not generally of the highest standard! So, we will be driving our Mototaxi through some of the most demanding and desolate terrain on the planet, a task for which it is perfectly designed. The Chaco region, which covers most of northern Paraguay and Southern Bolivia, is so barren it has a prison with no walls! &nbsp; &nbsp;</p><p>This all sounds like great fun I hear you say, or maybe more likely this sounds absolutely ridiculous. But we aren't just doing this for fun. One of the requirements for taking part is that we must raise at least &pound;1000 for the designated charity, which is Practical Action. For more info on Practical Action, and how to donate, see the charity page or click&nbsp;<a href="index.php?mode=teamwebsites&amp;name=its-chaco-time&amp;page=charities">here</a>.&nbsp;</p><p>The Junket is an annual event organised by a group called The Adventurists who organise a number of other similar events aimed at both &quot;saving the world as well as making it less boring&quot;. More info on the Adventurists and their events can be found&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. Also, more detailed information about the Junket can be found&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.</p><p style="text-align: center"><img src="images/gallery09/35530/400x400.jpeg" />&nbsp;</p><p style="text-align: center">&nbsp;</p>