Team The Pied Pipers

Thomas Bell
Of The Pied Pipers
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Its official!

After a late night discussion, many form filling and trowling Google Earth for any possible help to terrain. We have now finalised a route.

Ok our route still needs a fine tooth pick to scrutinise all the details, but we also like the sense of adventure, and just driving into a country not knowing what to expect. So spontaneous may be our best option, left or right?

Well the route is on our route page of the website, but here is a list of our destinations. 17 countries in total.


Best start at home : **UK**

Which will then see us (after our stone throw of a ferry crossing) drive through **France**, **Belgium**, and hopefully sleep our first night in **Germany**. 

This will then see us depart to our only planned meet point at Prague, **Czech Republic**. This will I'm sure see celebrations throughout the night.

Most probably the afternoon, we will depart and travel to Vienna, **Austria.**

Then got several days hopping between countries, visiting Bratislava, **Slovakia**; Budapest, **Hungary**; Belgrade, **Serbia; **Sofia, **Bulgaria**; and then the long drive across **Turkey** starting at Istanbul.

Our travels then see the tarmac roads disappear, and replaced with dusty paths and pot-holed ridden roads beginning in **Iran**.

**Turkmenistan** is our next point of call, crossing the border near Igdir, adjacent to historically valuable Mount Ararat.

**Uzbekistan **and then crossing Osh into **Kyrgyzstan **before embarking into **Kazakhstan**. **Russia **is the next country, and actually the penultimate before we embark on the home straight... **Mongolia!**


Please don't forget to donate, even £1 helps, a bit cliche I know but, "every little helps". And it is greatly appreciated by myself and Will, but more importantly the people who your money has a direct impact upon. 

William Middleton

Load William

<p><strong><font size="2">We shall be updating as much as humanly possible all activities and festivities from wherever we may be! - Keep donating, many thanks Thomas and William</font></strong></p>