Team Meatless Travelers

Cherishma Shah

Load Cherishma

Christopher Wardle

Load Christopher

<p>Take 2 consultants that have a passion for travel, a Rickshaw, and 5000km of Indian roadscape (or lack there of) and you have the start of an unforgettable 2 week experience.&nbsp; We are managment consultants living in Chicago in the midst of a 3 month leave of absence from work, and what better way to spend part of these 3 months&nbsp;than driving a Rickshaw through India for charity.&nbsp; </p><p>Chris has visited India all of 2 times, and sat in one of these contraptions for a full 15 minutes, but believes this has equipped him for this 2 week adventure. Cheri, on the other hand, may be a&nbsp;tad better prepared (but only a tad) having grown up in Bombay and having sat in rickshaws a few more times...&nbsp;All in all, we doubt&nbsp;we will ever look at motorized travel the same way again.</p>