Team The slow way across

Russell Laver

Load Russell

Jonathan Simpson

Born and bred in Belfast Northern Ireland, have been living in Edinburgh for the past 9 years. Work for a Pension company doing business analyst stuff.

Felt it was time for a challenge and to spice up life a bit, so hopefully this will be the beginning of a supreme adventure!

Roll on Mongol Rally 2010...

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<p>Teammates Russell Laver and Jonathan Simpson have entered the Mongol Rally&nbsp;(<a href=""></a><a href=""></a>)&nbsp;this year to raise money towards Mercy Corps and we set out from Goodwood racing circuit&nbsp;track on the 24th July 2010.&nbsp;</p><p>We will be driving&nbsp;our sky blue Fiat Brava 1.2litre 2001 amazingly reliable (cough cough) car&nbsp;from Edinburgh Scotland to Ulaan Baatar in Mongolia; a distance of approximtely <strong>12,000 miles</strong> or a <strong>third of the way round the world</strong>.&nbsp; The journey will take us through Eastern Europe and move into Russia then South along the edge of the Caspian Sea into Turkmenistan and along what is part of the old Silk route which was used by traders for several centuries.&nbsp; We will be travelling along the Pamir Highway through Tajikistan also known as the 'roof of the world' which reaches 4600m above sea level;&nbsp;iIn total we will make our way through 20 countries!</p><p>This is a real challenge for us as we negotiate our way across tough terrain and non existent roads, combat the effects of altitutde, patch up our car if it breaks down using our limited knowledge and attempt to communicate with the locals&nbsp;who will generally not be English speakers. Once we get to Ulaan Baatar we will be donating the car to&nbsp;a local Mongolian charity, or it&nbsp;might end up beingused as an emergency vehicle.</p><p>Our chosen charity Mercy Corps (<a href=""></a>) helps&nbsp;people in the world's toughest places turn the crises of natural disaster, poverty and conflict into opportunites for progress.&nbsp; Driven by local needs and market conditions, their programmes provide communities with the tools and support they need to transfer their own lives.&nbsp; All proceeds we raise at this stage&nbsp;will go towards projects in Mongolia ranging from School Improvements, Unemployment Reduction and Combating Alcoholism amongst Youth. Please follow the link for more information.</p>